During the lunch break, there was one particular scene that can be easily noticable. Brian.

He was there extremely quiet and silently observing the scene with a smile on his face, he was similar to Patch. He's friendly, just more social compared to Patch but, he's undeniably awkward although, he looks tough he's actually a nice guy.

What he doesn't know, Jay was also observing him that's why his babe joke, became a habit watching how Brian would react to it. Apparently, Brian was okay with it, he would just laugh at the humourous fellow as Jay likes to joke around and, has a lot of witty comments. Jay thought that maybe, Brian just thinks Patch is plain pretty, the type of pretty that maybe Brian's ideal type of physique. In which, causes a person to turn their heads incontrollably and unexpectedly like a habit. " Patch is pretty, huh? " Jay asked him. They were having a band practice for the worship service every friday and he noticed that Brian kept his eyes on Patch who's dancing. " Huh? Yeah, sure " Brian said, shifting his eyes to Jay, smiling. " Your smile is freaking me out " Jay said.

A month passed, they were surviving highschool so far , accepting the challenges of the elevated subject courses, every assignment , report and even bullies.

" Chicken, bok bok bok " The juniors and seniors made fun of Jay as he walked with Brian in the hallway. " Real classic guys, how is that not dead yet ?" He asked Brian. " That sort of became your title" Brian replied as they went into the room for Literature, Patch was already there noddin to the beat of the song she's listening to, she has her earphones on as usual with fall out boy playing.

It was time to report about a certain countries in literature, it was Patch's turn and she was called out by their professor. she stepped out front.

" So, I got French literature, Is there anyone here who knows any french? " Patch asked.

" French toast " Bill answered, he was from the back, considered the trouble maker in the bunch despite the good record that they have. Brian raised his hand shyly and Patch gestured at him. " Bonjour, Je m'apelle Brian " He said with confidence and feeling embarrassed afterwards. " You speak French? " Jay asked with a surprised expression. Brian nodded at him then he focused back on Patch who's in front. " Yes, Thank you for that Brian . See, French Literature digs more into the poet itself, which makes us discover more about them, what are the hardships they've encountered, heartbreak, pain and even, joy . I chose a poem about love and pain, moreover, it's basically about loving the pain with choosing to stay and wait although, the love you are waiting for, never came back. But, it doesn't specifically mean that, what if the old you never came back or opportunities, we tend to waste and wander, and that wandering makes us literal lost souls that forgot who we truly are and what ground we stand on. I'll read the poem entitled Le Pont Mirabeau by Guillaume Apollinaire which was released back in 1912."

Le Pont Mirabeau

Sous le pont Mirabeau coule la Seine

Et nos amours

Faut-il qu'il m'en souvienne

La joie venait toujours après la peine.

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure

Les jours s'en vont je demeure

Les mains dans les mains restons face à face

Tandis que sousLe pont de nos bras passe

Des éternels regards l'onde si lasse

Vienne la nuit sonne l'heure

Les jours s'en vont je demeure

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