Chapter 1: Nightfall

Start from the beginning

"But I can order Nyx to set an excuse for you."

"Your Highness," you used his high class rank, "doing that act shows unfairness to your glaives. You are a King and you must know that I am also a servant who will do anything for the sake of the city."

"And I don't want you to get hurt." He suddenly held your arms tight and pulled you closer. His lips held to a thin line that showed a stern look.

"I. . . I just don't want my duties as glaive to be interrupted."

"Are you saying I'm an interruption?"

His frowned lips made you stop that you suddenly felt sorry. Silence filled the air for a long while, until you took a deep breath. "Look, I don't mean to offend you. Five years have passed and I hope nothing wrong will break our bonds apart."

"I know I know. I was being a little greedy for begging you to keep me company."

You smiled. "True. And it's also you to blame for my consecutive absences the previous week in our meeting."

"Whatever. I just love you that's all." He winked and made a flashy grin before closing the space between you. His soft lips touched yours that sent adrenaline rushing through your body and a warm sensation rising up inside you. You felt his hand go down then his fingers intertwine with yours. Soon your lips moved in perfect sync.

It took a few minutes before you two would pull away to breathe for air. Your foreheads rested against each other as you both held hands.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I won't be able to go with you. If only I could." Noctis looked into your eyes as he caressed your face. "Be careful when you go out there, alright? Come back here whole and alive. Not even a small scratch will I see on your skin."

You rolled your eyes at the corny yet sweet words your lover gave you. "I promise that to you, my King."

Noctis laughed, then left a quick soft kiss on your lips before pulling you to a hug. "Take care."

"I will." You gave him the best smile you ever had.

You were about to leave when he said, "Also, when we are alone, call me Noct instead."

Looking over your shoulder, you gave him a soft smile, before darting out of the room.

Isn't it unusual for only a few people knowing that Noctis and I are dating, you thought as you rushed through the dark, empty and silent halls dimmed with lights lining off to an endless point.

And speaking of Noctis being a king now . . . He should've been married off to a woman of royal blood. You frowned at the thought while you descended a couple of stairs and took a few turns. And I'm no royalty.

Though years had passed, you could still remember the words of Jenova lurking into your mind.

"You were only created to protect the prince. But what did you do? You took advantage of him. You've created a friendship with him and soon it had developed into a stupid thing called love!"

Ugh. Of all voices, why her? You rolled your eyes out of annoyance. Anyway, she was better off dead. Jenova's gone, so was her stupid minion Sephiroth.

You pushed the doors open, then sprinted off into the outdoor lobby where a jet was waiting. You then slid open the door and jumped in after closing it, then took a deep breath.

"What took you so long?" Nyx leaned over with his usual irritated tone.

You huffed. "You know what."

Nyx shook his head after gesturing for the driver to take off, then turned to you. "His Majesty is madly in love with you, isn't he?" he whispered.

You looked down, making a tiny smile. "Not like he is madly in love. . . I feel bad for going to a mission without him."

"Are you serious? You've skipped training and meetings for a week and I know the reason behind your absences."

Your eyes widened, giving the male a 'Don't-You-Dare-Or-Else-I'll-Cut-Your-Throat' look.

Nyx let out a laugh. "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone and I haven't told anyone else about it. I'll keep it a promise."

You sighed in relief.

"Onwards, the daemons have been swarming around near the barriers of Insomnia. They're more active at nightfall, so we'll be able to dispatch a large number of them. The more we kill, the better."

You nodded. The quiet journey on air made you settle in peace, so you relaxed your back and drifted off to sleep.

Don't worry, Noctis. Once I come back, it'll be all over.


Guys! I'm back now. Hope you all like the first chapter of Crown King! Thank you for all the support and kindness. The next chapter might be updated in a few days. Thank you once again and I love you all.


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