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Okay, so this is going to be mainly a UsUk fic tho there will be other ships as well. (It's the UK bros so there might be some incest). Includes swearing.

Summary: Arthur is going on a trip to America with his brothers, not so happy aboot it at first thought everything changes when he meets a noise American called Alfred. What do his brothers think about it? Human AU so they're not countries.

Let's see how things go...

I think you should be able to guess who's who, also since there isn't a set design/ canon personality for the bros they'll be a bit OC.

No pov~

Arthur was sitting in the airport waiting area with his head in his hands, waiting to board a plane to America. There was a buzz in the air, people were talking, announcements being made, some people where crying some were laughing everything just felt so busy. The seat he was sitting on felt hard beneath him and his hand turning white from the firm grip he had on his red and white with a red rose imprinted on suitcase and his messy blond hair was already sticking up at different angles.

He groaned and lifted his head, Arthur's emerald green eyes spotting his brothers (the ones he was going on holiday with), Dylan his Welsh brother, who was sitting opposite him with his legs crossed reading a book, his green and white suitcase with a red dragon keychain, next to him. His caramel coloured hair falling into his pale face slightly as he stared at his book intensely with his grass-green eyes.

Next, there was his second to oldest Irish brother Connor. Connor who was currently pacing up and down and all around the place, pulling his suitcase behind him. His suitcase was similar to Arthur's, but instead of a rose, he had a four-leaf clover keychain. As Connor paced he curled his ginger hair between his fingers, (a habit he had gotten into when he was thinking) and his eyes, that was a type of sea green, looking at nothingness (he kept on almost walking into people), he also had freckles sprinkled across his skin.

Arthur sighed finally catching sight of his oldest Scottish brother. Allistor. Allistor with his fiery red hair and dark forest green eyes. Allistor who was fighting with a security guard for not being allowed to smoke. Oh god, Arthur thought to look at him as he knocked over his blue and white with a thistle imprinted on suitcase, in rage, that man's got a temper!

He must have huffed out in annoyance again for Dylan put his book down and looked at him, "You doing okay, Artie?" He asked with a warm brotherly smile. "I guess..." Arthur responded looking away from the angry redhead and looking at Dylan. Their eyes met and Dylan quickly looked away, "Then why do you look so grumpy?" He questioned, "I'm not grumpy! I just don't get why we're doing this! Why didn't Grainne or Peter have to come if this is a family thing?!" Arthur asked huffing again.

Dylan smiled slightly and pushed some light brown hair away from his eyes. "Peter's a bit too young and well... Grainne was busy. She's the only one of us who has actually moved out, so has to make a living for herself. Also, her and Connor haven't been getting along that well lately... After he turned down her invitation to go live with her..." Dylan trailed off, looking deep in thought. Grainne was their sister, she was Connor's twin and had recently moved out of the house to go live alone and be independent, though had invited Connor to stay with her but he had refused. "And we're doing this so we can get away from the UK for a bit. Also, we'll get some quality bro time together, even if we live in the same house we don't do much together." Arthur looked at Dylan and was about to say something when an angry Scotsman started stomping towards them, he obviously had enough of arguing with the guard.

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