Should You, a Robot or a Professional Master Your Album?

Start from the beginning

Almost always more expensive than sending it to a robot.I was recommended to one studio that cost $125 per hour. 12 songs? Mucho dollars.

The Advantages of letting global studio do it:

- They are a professional set of fresh ears. The'll tell you (if they are honest and professional) what needs to be fixed in your mix before they can take it to the next level. Then, you can change that and re-submit it. 

- They are easy to find: these studios can be found all over the world and it doesn't really matter where, anymore. You can choose from many different ones and pick the one that fits your pocketbook and your taste best.

- some are very productive because the only thing they do is mastering.  This makes them specialised and fast in a very important part of the process of making your music.

- They are quick: The can process your album within a week or two depending on their workload and the length and complexity of your album.

- It's easy. Simply upload your wav file to Dropbox, give them the link and they get it right away. 

- It is cheaper than knocking your own head against the wall, and you save time. Time is money.

- they take the responsibility for your final mastering result: I've found one that I am going to work with in Australia. And it is a great feeling to know that the end result is in his hands not mine. 


- it costs much more than doing it yourself

I may have to get a day job to work this out, but at least i have come to my decision and it feels good. 

How to choose a professional studio: 

Just make sure you listen to recent work they've done before working w them. Send a few questions and note the response time - is it quick enough for you? Check them out on social media. See what others are saying about working with them and what they think of their mastering. Do a trial run with two songs. Are you happy with the results? Then, if all this is good, send them some more to do. No one has to send a whole album at a time. 

The Final Option -  #4: Do it yourself.

O.k. Some of us just have to do everything ourselves from songwriting to promotion to printing tees. If you are one of those then this option is for you. (I tend to think that each of us should do what we are really good at and outsource as much as possible to those who are more talented. But, here goes.)

Some good advice I have been hearing is, if you mix all your music and want to master it as well, make sure you don't do both in one day. Mix one day and master on another. That way you have "fresh ears".

Here's a video from Musician with a Mission on how to do it yourself if that's what you want to do.


- you have control over the final results

- it's cheaper than robot/studio mastering = free!

- if you get good at it you can earn money mastering others' work in the future.

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