Chapter 5

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"That's Gaius Terrick," Raphael murmured to her, his eyes fixated towards the curly haired man. "He's the acting leader of Helios Prime. Be polite. The other one is the head of maintenance." The latter groaned. He buried his head in his arms-a clear sign that he wasn't engrossed about the course of the interrogation.

Raphael nudged her forward and Lena, with her weak knees, tripped onto the asphalt. Gaius smiled at the sight of Lena stumbling into the thin air. She immediately stood up straight, put her hands on her back, and slightly lifted her chin.

"Lena Valerian of Sol Keep," Gaius said, eyeing her up and down. "I'm glad to see you alive. It's been a long time since a Nameless entered Helios Prime."

From the corner of her eyes, Thane crossed her fingers. The simple action was easily understood. In her mind, she could almost hear Thane whispering in her ear: don't show your intelligence.

Lena played along, "A what?"

Raphael sniggered.

"Nameless," Gaius continued, his tone reminded Lena of how she taught children of the Rock how to count numbers. "The immediate family and lineage of the original founding families. You are aware of the history of Illyria, are you not?"

"A bit," Lena hesitated and settled on a lie that tasted like sacrilege on her lips. "I can't read, sir."

"Understandable," he jabbed, giving her a palpable pitying eyes. "You are from Sol Keep after all. Tell me, why did Thane bring you here?"

Her eyes flitted towards the woman. This time, Thane didn't make a gesture. She was too busy eyeing the wall.

Lena gulped. "She didn't. She got injured and I'm the only person she can trust to carry her here."

Thane protested. "I don't know about trust-"

Gaius moved his chair, his eyes pierced through her. "Do you know why she got injured?"

"Silver poisoning," Lena said mechanically. The mantra of telling the truth but omitting crucial information reiterated in her mind. "There was an attack and a huge explosion. That's all I know."

Gaius paused. From the corner of her eyes, Raphael began writing on a scroll. Was he keeping track of what she had said the whole time?

Lena closed her eyes as beads of sweat ran on her nape. Relax, breath, and focus.

Gaius furrowed his eyebrows. "Let's go back to you saying that she can trust you-"

Thane rolled her eyes. "I told you, the kid's handy with horses-"

"Thane," Gaius warned. "Let the girl speak."

"That's the truth." Lena squawked.

"I'd rather hear your version of the story."

"I'm handy with horses, just like what she said. Thane dragged me to them and ordered me to take her and her wolf to Helios Prime. That's it."

He tapped his fingers against the table. "I see." Did that mean that the interrogation was over?

Lena spoke slowly, carefully choosing her words. "Can I go home? Thane could take me there."

Gauis stood up, hands on his back. His beady eyes flitted towards Thane, then back at her. His wizened face bore no emotion, no indication that they bought her story. Rivulets of sweat ran on her forehead.

"I'm afraid Thane's not allowed to take you home. She's indisposed for the moment," Gaius explained. "She broke some rules-"

"Is she in trouble?"

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