Chapter 5: His former fiancée

Start from the beginning

His words had sparked Anna's rage once more, cutting the last strand of patience she has left. She hated him, all of him. His looks, his attitude, his sideburns, his facade. Sure, she once loved him but with the way he broke her heart, no. Now, he's mocking her, rubbing in her face how idiotic she was for loving someone like him.

If only there was someone out there who loved you.

She frowned at that. "Honestly, Anna, I thought, of all people, that you could understand me and why I did what I did. It turns out that you can't; just like everyone else in this blasted world. Hang me if you want, I'd rather die in the kingdom where I commited my crimes than to be hanged in that accursed Southern Isles." he spat carelessly as he turned his back, not wanting to lay another gaze at her.

Anna, on the other hand, felt lost and confused at his words. She gripped the bars tightly, slowly releasing the anger and desire to punch him. "Understand?" she exclaimed furiously and with a hint of sarcasm.

Out of irritation, Hans looked back at her, gritting his teeth so hard that he thought they might break. "For heaven's sake, Anna, don't act like an imbecile! I know you felt that way too at one point in you life, being the unecessary spare and all."


That's what she considers herself as; and what she thinks Hans considers himself as. She hated that term knowing that she's just someone in between two worlds, being nothing but a measly spare compare to her sister who was born - destined to be a powerful queen. That she'll be nothing more than a princess, the second in command, the screw up. Nonetheless, she loved Elsa unconditionally - more than power itself.

"I'm more than just a spare and so are you." she said. Anna started to calm down from the sudden outburst earlier but Hans did not. He's still raging, annoyed at how he's opening up old wounds that traced back to his lonesome childhood. With all of his strength, he held his tears tightly; refusing to lose the little dignity he has left.

"Go away. We're done here." And with that, he averted his gaze from her completely, went to the plank-like thing which is to be considered as his bed, and buried himself in the thin sheet of blanket that goes along with it.

Anna couldn't do anything else but to leave with the guards just like he demanded. He's technically at rock bottom now. No light, no hope, nothing. Nothing but the smell of metal that enveloped him in that cell. The sound of her heels clacking further and further away became his lullaby, entertaining his mind as he slept with no intention of ever waking up.


"Anna, I didn't know he was-" Elsa practiced while pacing back and forth in her study. She didn't know how to apologize or even greet Anna for the matter. Who knows how Anna took the news? She knew her sister loved Hans deeply - more than herself even - and to see him once again is probably tormenting her right now. "Anna, I humbly apologize-" she stopped again realizing that it sounded too formal just like how Hans spoke a few hours ago. She couldn't make up her mind.

Just as she was about to try again, the door opened and it caused a small creaking sound which made her abruptly turn her gaze to it, knowing that she locked it before practicing. Other than that is that everyone knows how she hated it when someone enters her study without permission or a knock at least.

Her questions were answered when Olaf entered the room quite giddily with a bowl of hot soup held in his branchy hands. "Hi! I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs." he energetically greeted.

"Oh, Olaf. I didn't know you're here." she smiled at him as she sighed in relief. "Well, you do now." he giggled innocently, causing Elsa get contaminated by his energy and let out a giggle as well.

Olaf looked at her smiling but then he remembered the bowl in his hands. "Oh, oh! Here you go!" he skipped to her desk and placed the bowl of soup on a vacant space, miraculously making it without a spilling a single drop.

"What is this?" she rhetorically asked, raising an eyebrow as she smiled. It's usual for servants to give her snacks everytime she's buried in her work but with Olaf, it became quite a surprise for her. She does not see him that often since that he's always on expeditions with Kristoff and whenever he's in the castle, he spends most of his time with Anna. It seems like he loves fun people unlike herself - though playful and mischievous at times - who lacks on knowledge about fun.

"It's soup, Elsa. Have you forgotten what a soup is?" he asked obliviously and without a single hint of sarcasm. "You kept yourself in this room for far too long that your mind is probably all messed up. Maybe talking to Anna will do more wonders than this soup can, don't you think so?"

Realization struck Elsa like lightning for she would love nothing more than to talk to Anna but - frankly speaking - she has no idea how. She didn't know if Anna was mad, irritated, sad, or anything! She turned back to Olaf and saw him smiling, moving his branchy arms around like play things. He may be naive and innocent but he always know what to say to her, and to Anna.

Some people are worth melting for.

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