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At the end of the last chapter they were saved by mark n nyoung not captured or anything lmao I just noticed it sounded bad. Yugyeom passed out from exhaustion so they just lugged him back and hes just...  a heavy sleeper dont attack me ok

Yugyeom didn't want to go inside. No doubt Bambam was sitting on the couch, or cooking, or sleeping. Bambam had been waiting for him faithfully and he was gone overnight and he didn't have any real excuses. Last night, he got out of the mission at about 10, which isn't to late, but he was sure his lips and hair would be tousled in a way that he couldn't explain to Bambam so he stayed at the headquarters, and Rainy had done the same.

Things between the two of them weren't bad as you might think- somehow, Yugyeom couldn't be angry even though what Rainy did was really wrong. He was more angry with himself for not being conscious enough to pull away or push him back.

He nibbled nervously on his bottom lip and waited outside the door worriedly.

He would tell Bambam what happened. Things would go from there, but Yugyeom wouldn't hide this from him. He respected Bambam enough to do so. He'd watched enough dramas to know that hiding this was not the better option.

He and Rainy had both agreed to tell the whole truth, minus the whole spy part.

That wasn't easily said, but it was even less easily done. "Oh hey Bams. I made out with my coworker in a closet yesterday and then I stayed at our workplace with him because I was nervous and scared to face you.

Yugyeom hadn't worked up nearly the amount of confidence he needed when Bambam opened the door with dark circles under his eyes and red rimming them. He was in his pjs still even though it was 10 AM already.

"Yugs? You came back?"

Yugyeom felt his heart constrict at the sight of Bambam. He looked like something had really hurt his heart and Yugyeom could just sense the older's uneasiness. "Of course. What's wrong, Bam?"

His worries of telling Bambam about Rainy were pushed to the back of his mind.

Bambam sniffed. Yugyeom saw his hand gripping the doorknob as if it was his lifeline. "I'm sorry I was out overnight, please don't leave me."

Oh. Yugyeom snorted despite the sad mood and replied, "Me? Leave you over something like that? Did Lisa offer you weed brownies again?"

Bambam furrowed his brow and scowled. "Yugs. I'm like actually feeling really guilty right now. If I just sat at home and cried for an hour for no reason then that makes me an idiot. Play along here." With that, he turned around and sat on the couch and pulled the blanket up on himself and cuddled into the corner, watching Yugyeom at the door with red rimmed eyes.

Yugyeom rolled his eyes and followed him after closing the door. He sat by him and watched him carefully. Originally Yugyeom planned to wait for his boyfriend to talk but he didn't say anything so he figured he'd start.

"Why did you worry so much? Bambam, I wouldn't leave you just for staying out. I've stayed out with friends without telling you too, and when the rules were reversed this never happened. Is there something else?"

Bambam took a couple shaky breaths and looked down. "I know, I know that you aren't like that but I came home and you weren't here and I couldn't help but think the worst."

He looked like something else was bothering him, and he ignored the last part of Yugyeom's question, but he didn't want to pressure him.

There was another moment of silence and Yugyeom suddenly remembered Rainy. Crap.

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