an addendum

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so i rode my bike down here again. and now i have a story brewing. a retelling- embellished, that is.
i keep up this habit- getting home from rehearsal, riding my bike to the bus stop, greeting greet chevea's sisters, ride to the dam, think, ride home.
and one day i venture a bit further, head to the rocks, dip my feet in the water, y'know? and my floppy hat falls in. goes too far. can't get it. give up trying to catch it, start heading back up. 'bout to ride my gay ass up the hill when i hear a splash in the water by the dock. so i check, and as soon as i step on, a head pops up wearing the hat. kinda looks like marcella roa mella, but with a face shaped like sophie's. it's gonna b gr8.

concinnity (spam) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin