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here's something i haven't felt in awhile:

you heard it here folks! ruby's jealous.
and depressed but what else is new.

maya has a crush on emily, chesney has dillon, sophie's head over heels for some guy, and i'm still stuck on riley.
she said she gets crushes on personalities, not people.
which baffles me, because tori has none. and tori doesn't even like her back! if they do date it'll last through april tops.
god damn i'm lonely. maya seems to be dead, i annoy the hell outta chesney, me and dillon drifted apart, and i feel completely fucking alone.
i was planning on a blanket fort date for valentines. maybe that thing i saw on instagram- who knows.

honestly, i feel bad for saying it, but i'm considering oding. i promised riley i wouldn't be sad, but i don't know. i don't know if i can do this. i've got nothing going for me- sure, i'm smart, but where's that gonna get me? i have no leadership skills, no people skills, no money- i've got 4 years of loneliness before college, and honestly death seems better than debt.

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