Chapter seven: Battle 4: Kurse and Undyne vs Naga: Spear of Madness

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-Arena 4-

Kurse appeared in another arena. (Geez, how many of these blood soaked red rooms are there!?) He thought, the Changeling looked around, and saw Undyne on the ground. Acting on instinct, Kurse fired a Spirit Beam from his mouth and hit Undyne's assailant. Before he landed in front of his old student, and extended a hand out for her to take. "Your spearmanship is getting rusty." He said smirking, Undyne smirked as well before taking her old teacher's hand. "And your aim is getting better." She said, Kurse chuckled a bit, before getting serious. "Not many things can put you on the defensive. What's going on?" He asked, Undyne growled. "A fight's tough, when your enemy has the same exact moves as you. That bitch got lucky. But I could use your help, K." She asked, Kurse nodded, and was about to say something. When he caught a violet colored barbed Spear. "I know you're there, what wrong, afraid to fight two on one!?" Kurse taunted, his attacker then appeared from the shadows. "You've got good senses." She said, her voice was very snake like. "Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Naga. My master, wants you alive Kurse. But your fish out of water friend, is expendable!" Kurse then summoned God Slayer to his hand. "Like hell she is. The only way I'm going with as a corpse. Sorry, but Nega-Kurse'll have to live with disappointment." He sneered, Undyne then summoned a Spear into her hand. "Fighting side by side again." She stated, Kurse smirked. "Just like old times." He finished, Naga then sent a barrage of Barbed Spears at the two. Undyne sent her own volley to cancel her coutnerpart's attack out. Kurse then sent out Abyssal Flame at Naga, who dodged the attack, but then got hit by a Blood Spear. Kurse then snapped his fingers as a large amount of Blood Spears and Bone Blades appeared behind him. "Dodge all these, if you can." He said, he then sent them all at Naga. Who did her best to dodge the onslaught of Blood Spears and Bone Blades. But it proved fruitless as she ended up being hit in the end. Undyne then sent a volley of Spears at Naga, the attack hit home, as Naga was in no way able to protect herself. "This is too easy!" Undyne shouted, that earned her a Barbed Spear in her shoulder. But to hers and Kurse's surprise, it came from the ground. Kurse noticed the crack forming by his feet, his wings appeared he then grabbed Undyne, and took to the air. Kurse summoned a Gaster Blaster and put Undyne down on it. Undyne held her shoulder and grimaced. "Me and my big mouth." She muttered, "Stay focused. We're not outta the woods yet." Kurse said, Naga then stood up, and grinned madly at the two. "A good effort. But ultimately futile!" She said as her form changed. 'Naga the Impaler has appeared.' "This is where the real fun starts!" Kurse and Undyne looked at each other, before they changed as well. 'Kurse the Unyielding and Undyne the Undying block your path!' "You're right. Practice time is over." Kurse said, "The real fight...starts right now!" Undyne added,

There we go! Sorry that this one is a bit short, I'll try to make the next chapter longer. But as always, comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve. Next time, Kurse and Undyne continue their fight against Naga!

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