Chapter five: Gaster-Kurse vs Feral-Sans: the power of the Void

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Seven hands appeared behind Gaster-Kurse, and charged energy. Feral-Sans stepped back a step, animal instinct was telling him to run. But stubbornness was rooting him in place. Gaster-Kurse smirked before firing the magic that his hands accumulated. "You think you know suffering?) He said suddenly, Feral-Sans blocked the attack but was sent skidding backwards. "I plan to do more than defeat you...I'm going to unmake you.) Gaster-Kurse then sent Armageddon Beams from the hands behind him at Feral-Sans. Who was sent flying backwards. "You stand little chance against me. I am The Man Who Speaks In Hands!) He yelled, Feral-Sans then sent Bones at Gaster-Kurse, but the distorted Demon Changeling created a hole in his chest. Causing the projectiles to miss. Gaster-Kurse smirked then summoned four Gaster Blasters. The constructs fired their beams after they charged up. The red and black beams collided with grey ones. The power struggle only lasted a second, as Gaster-Kurse's Resolve was stronger than Feral-Sans's Mania, as red and black beams shot towards the feral skeleton. Feral-Sans teleported out of the way. "Still squirming, I see.) Gaster-Kurse said coldly, "I've already studied you enough to get your coding. You have until the end of three minutes to try and defeat me.) Feral-Sans growled. "it's not over! i still have a few tricks up my sleeve!" He roared, Gaster-Kurse just chuckled. "If nothing else, I admire your spirit. Now then, let's end this.) He said menacingly, Feral-Sans then summoned a black axe made of some kind of bone. Gaster-Kurse identified the weapon immediately. A Soul Weapon. "Did my insane counterpart teach you that trick?) He asked summoning God Slayer, Feral-Sans chuckled. "you could say that." He said, the two then charged each other, their Soul Weapons clashing. Gaster-Kurse then used Abyssal Flame Slash on Feral-Sans, who was forced into blocking, before being put on the defensive. He was obviously not used to being the punching bag so to speak. He was used to punching the punching bag. Gaster-Kurse then cut Feral-Sans's axe in half. "A Soul Weapon is only as strong as it's user's Soul.) He explained, "A weak Soul will yield a weak Soul Weapon.) He then dispersed God Slayer. "Time's up.) Feral-Sans looked unfazed. "go ahead. send me back to the antiverse. i'll be back within the week." He said confidently, Gaster-Kurse smirked. "You fool. I know the code that makes you up. Now..) He started saying as a panel that had the word 'Erase' written on it appeared, "I can Erase you.) He then pressed the panel and Feral-Sans suddenly screamed in agony. That scream became more and more distorted as his form was erased and the coding that made him, deleted. When the screaming stopped, Gaster-Kurse went to heal Sans. After some time, Sans woke up. And shot up as he looked around for his manic counterpart. "He's gone, Sans." Kurse said, Sans sighed. "he'll be back, y'know that right k?" He said, Kurse just gave a reassuring smile. "No, he won't. After all, how do you return from erasure?" He asked, Sans chuckled. "when you're backed into a corner, kurse. it's scary what you can do. so remind to never piss you off. it'd be a 'kurse' for my health." Sans joked, Kurse chuckled a little. "Heh, good one." Kurse said, "Now, I guess I'll 'Sea' you on the other side, Sans." Sans let out a hearty laugh. "hehehe, wow k. not bad! not even the pun book could come up with that." He said, with that, the two shared a fist bump and were teleported to opposite places. For Sans, it was back to Toriel and Kurse's house. For Kurse, it was to help his old student.

-The Antiverse.-

Nega-Kurse sat on his throne. The head of the Antiverse's Monster Kid was being used as a drinking glass by the tyrant king. "Lilith, what's the news on our little game so far?" He asked, Lilith, the Antiverse's version of Toriel, knelt before her master. "So far, Kurse has defeated Revanent-Asgore, and Enenra. The battle between Sally and Chara, has ended in a stalemate. Kurse and Sans have also defeated Feral-Sans, but..." she stopped, she was hesitant to continue. "Well, what? Don't make me guess maggot. Now spit it out." Nega-Kurse growled, "F-Feral-Sans has not returned to the Antiverse. The report says that Kurse...erased him." Lilith answered, Nega-Kurse stood up, crushing the head in his hand. "HE DID WHAT!?" He roared, Lilith shrank back in fear for her life. "Please master! Don't kill me!" She begged, footsteps were heard. "Perhaps, your majesty would prefer that I bring Kurse to you...As a puppet to use?" A voice asked, Nega-Kurse turned to the voice's owner and smirked. "You have my attention, Samael." He said, Samael smirked and gave a bow. "I could possess him, make him do things he would never consciously do. And they'd be coming from you, my Lord. When Naga falls. I will strike." The trickster said, Nega-Kurse nodded. "Then prepare for your departure. Samael Bloodmyre. Bring me Kurse!" He ordered, Samael bowed. "As you command, my king."

Dun dun duuuuuuuuun! Just a heads up, Samael is Asriel's Antiverse counterpart. And Nega-Kurse's strongest servant. As always, comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve. Next time, Kurse and Undyne battle Naga! But first, Asura and the Beast titan clash!

(Here is a song for Kurse's new form. The first part of the name is in the title of the song.)

Undertale: the last Changeling: Book 3: Antiverse ArcWhere stories live. Discover now