Chapter one: Battle 1: Kurse vs Revanent-Asgore.

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-Arena 1-

Kurse groaned as he got up. As he looked around, he concluded that he was in an arena in some...alternate dimension. "Well, this is trippy." He monologued, Kurse then sensed a familiar-yet different-presence of insanity. Turning around, he saw a warped version of Papyrus. "Let me guess. You're an insane version of Papyrus." He said coldly, "So glad you noticed. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Enenra." Enenra replied, Kurse summoned God Slayer to him, and readied it. "I'm guessing you're my enemy here?" He asked, Enenra shook his head. "Nega-Kurse wanted me to tell you that the whole debacle with Nightmare....well, you're a smart Changeling, I'm sure you can figure it out." He said, Kurse did and let out the most threatningly demonic growl Enenra had heard. "'re the bastards responsible for making him that way! You murdered my brother!" Kurse shouted, "You're not a person. You and the rest of your compatriots are reflections. Cruel unfeeling reflections." Enenra laughed. "Indeed. But I must say. What an honor it is to meet the most famous Demon Changeling in existence." He said, "Now then, let's see how you fair against your opponent. I'm sure he'll look 'Deathly' familiar to you." With that the skeleton vanished, and in his place was a face Kurse didn't expect to see. He took a step back in shock. "A-Asgore...what have they done to you?" He whispered, Revanent-Asgore didn't reply, instead he attacked Kurse. Kurse dodged away, then blocked another attack. "Asgore! It's me, Kurse! Don't you recognize me!?" Kurse yelled, "" Revanent-Asgore rasped out, Kurse went wide-eyed, but realized that Asgore was asking to help him find peace. 'You are filled with Resolve.' Kurse then summoned four Gaster Blasters and fired them at Revanent-Asgore. The undead monster didn't dodge but took the blow. He then attacked Kurse by casting Balefire. Kurse countered with Abyssal Flame as the two attacks collided and canceled each other out. Kurse then summoned Dark Sabers and Blood Spears and sent them at Revanent-Asgore, who sent another wave of Balefire that was drowned out by the unending wave of Dark Magic attacks sent his way. He was hit quite hard. The former Monster king fell to a knee and looked at Kurse and saw not an enemy. Not a knight. But a friend. " old friend." He said, Kurse nodded. "Asgore, I release you!" Kurse declared, before stabbing Revanent-Asgore through the head, and decapitated him. "May you find peace my friend." Kurse said, as Revanent-Asgore turned to dust and floated into the skies above. Enenra reappeared and was not happy. "You idiot! You ruined years of preparation and work! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE! NOT THAT FOOL!" He shrieked, "But no matter, your corpse will make a fine plaything for me." Kurse growled at the insane skeleton. "We'll see if your claws of shadow can pierce my scales of iron, let's go dirty necromancer." He growled,

Round 2 will begin soon. As always, comment, rate, and leave advice so I can improve. Next time, Kurse battles Enenra!

Undertale: the last Changeling: Book 3: Antiverse ArcWhere stories live. Discover now