Garys Sacrifice (Alt. Scenario)

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(Sadness dead ahead!)

Avacato, Gary, and Little Cato were climbing up the rope as rain drizzled above from the dark sky. The lord commander would've been knocked out cold from Mooncakes laser blast if it wasn't for the cold rain pouring down on his face. The commander weakly sat up from the floor and watched in anger as the three "heroes" were getting away. He noticed some of the time bombs lying next to him. Yes...the cat one had dropped those earlier! If he wasn't in pain, the lord commander would've laughed evilly at this development. But instead he growled as he used his mind force to launch one of the bombs straight onto Little Catos back.

Gary was climbing with Avacato above him and Little Cato below him. The rain was making the rope slick. They had to be careful or else this all would be for nothing. Suddenly, Gary heard a cry from below.
Gary turned in time to see little Cato slip from the rope and begin to fall, hand outstretched. "SON!" Avacato cried in alarm, beginning to climb down the rope. In one swift motion, Gary grabbed Little Catos hand and slung him straight above him. Now Avacato was on top, Little Cato in the middle and Gary going last. Avacato sighed with relief before climbing onto the ship. Just as Gary climbed into the ship, he noticed something glowing in his face. A bomb. A bomb on little Cato.
The hangar doors began to shut.

The beeping from the bomb became more audible.

Avacatos eyes widen.

Gary grabs the device.

The world seems to go in slow motion as he chucks it out the hangar doors.

The bomb explodes a few feet from Gary's hand.

The explosion consumes him.

Gary hadn't even noticed Quinn watching from the balcony above, her face showing pure horror. He hadn't noticed HUE patch up the hole in the ships cargo doors either. All he noticed was the pain. His vision was blurry and pain shot through his veins. Blood was everywhere. Oh god, he hated blood. Especially when it was his own.
Voices called to him. Muffled voices. His ears were ringing.
Then like a camera, everything came into focus and he realized the gravity of the situation. He was....dying.

"G-Gary!" Avacato said, rushing over and kneeling next to the blond. " son.." he said, a sad look coming across his face. "I was going to save him. Y-you didn't have to-"
Gary placed a finger on Avacatos lips. "Shhhhhhhh!" He said, earning a look of confusion from the cat. "I didn't have to do a lot of things. Yet here I am. It was...m-my pleasure."

Quinn covered her mouth with both her hands and began crying as she saw the damage on Gary. There was a hole in his stomach. Blood was..everywhere. She jumped down and ran to Gary's side, but stayed silent.

"A-Avacato..I know what it's like..w-what it's like to grow up without a father. It sucks ass. matter, buddy. You have a boy to take care of. Believe it or not, I also know what it feels like to watch your father die. I will never don't want your son to have to face that."

Tears began to pool in Avacatos eyes, his usually tough attitude fading in this moment of weakness. Little Cato slowly made his way to Gary, his ears facing down words. Surprisingly, tears were in his eyes too.
"I'm." he whispered, just loud enough for everyone to hear him. He then covered his eyes with his hands and fell to his knees next to Gary. "Thank you. Im so sorry. Oh my god..." Little Catos voice cracked. He proceeded to break down, no words, just sobs. Gary lifted his hand once again and wiped a tear from the boys eye. "It's cool.." Gary replied weakly.
He turned his head to Quinn. "Y-you sly fox. Guess I won't have anymore time to woo you, huh? Don't forget me, ok? Stop that tear in space for me. I know you can do it.."
Quinn nodded before burying her head in Gary's chest and crying. "Your a good guy, Gary.." she sobbed.

Mooncake was in the corner, watching. Tears streamed down his face. Silent tears. He floated over to Gary and nuzzled him sadly. "C-chokitty.."

"I'm gonna miss you too, buddy." Gary said, tears starting to leak out of his eyes as well.

"A-Avacato! Avacato!" Gary said, a rush of energy flowing through him. His voice was laced with urgency and his eyes seemed glazed.

"I'm here, Gary. I'm here for"

"I-I'm....scared..." he stated. His voice filled with sadness and unmistakable fear.

With that, Gary's world faded...

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