Allison and Isabella both gave Lydia a look that said, 'are you kidding?' and let out laughs of exasperation. They had known the whole time, but it was worse that she had tried to pretend that it wasn't a double date when it definitely was.

" Yes it is a double date. It's not an orgy." Lydia said nonchalantly as she shrugged her shoulders. As if that was supposed to make the two girls feel better, especially Isabella.

She wasn't even planned into the date. She was going to be third wheeling, not just on a regular date but a double date was just great. She had thought that was over now that Jackson was gone, but sometimes thing just never change. She was going to be Lydia's third wheel for eternity.

Isabella threw her head back in annoyance and closed her eyes. She let out a whine and threw her hands up in the air, " Why am I here? I could be sleeping at home. I have no place on this date."

" You're coming because I haven't seen you in two months. It's just a casual thing, you'll be fine. Plus, if you would just talk to Scott it could be a triple date." Lydia said as nodded her head at Isabella through the mirror.

Isabella crossed her arms over her chest and blew a piece of hair out of her face as she huffed, " I don't want to bother him. It's the last day of summer and he should be spending it with his best friend. I'll just see him tomorrow at school."

Isabella simply waved Lydia off as she sent a weird look in her direction after what she had said. It did not make sense to her. Scott had seen Stiles all summer, he was surely sick of him. He was probably dying to see her.

Isabella understood her logic was a bit weird seeing as she had been dying to see him all summer, but she just felt a little too weird still. She needed a bit to shake that feeling. She had too many what ifs running through her head. What if he didn't want her anymore because she had left him alone without any contact? Unfortunately, she had no way of knowing because she didn't talk to him for two agonizingly long months.

Lydia has begun a conversation with Allison about all the archery and fighting lessons she had taken while in France, but Isabella was paying no interest as the trio had stopped at a red light. What had caught her interest however was the car that pulled up right besides them, Stiles' Jeep to be more exact.

Her blue eyes immediately latched onto the boy sitting in the passenger seat and she could have sworn all the air was taken out from her lungs as she stared at the boy she loved. She might have even loved him more after the distance. Things about him had changed over the summer, his face was more chiseled as if he had been working out more and it was for sure a sight to see. He just looked more grown up while Isabella felt that she still looked like a plain Jane. She hadn't changed much, the only thing that changed was that she had gained a bit more control over the empath.

Out of nowhere, Scott turned his head mid-laugh and caught immediate eye contact with Isabella. It was a bit more than awkward to say the least, but she fell deep into his eyes as soon as she finally got to look at them. It was just like the first time she had gotten lost in those brown eyes in their homeroom. It was like meeting him again for the first time. It was official, she had been deprived of Scott over the summer.

A warm smile began to overcome Isabella's face and she went to wave at him but the car was suddenly jerked forward and the three girls were once again speeding down the road, even though the light hadn't even turned green.

Isabella turned her body around and stared out the back window at  the Jeep that was still parked at the red light. Isabella turned back forward with a frown and plopped into her seat while dramatically throwing her hands in the air, " What the hell Lydia? Why'd you do that?"

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