•Punishment number 1•

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•Punishment number 1• Chapter 7 🙊

Kian's POV
"No ick daddy!" Layla throws the food, and want everywhere even on my face. "That's it young lady time out." I said firmly, as she gasped as I picked her up and taking her to the front door, and potting her facing the door. "Don't think about moving or your bottom will be red as." She looked down as I nod and walked upstairs to the bathroom cleaning my face off, I'm so mad with Layla this morning was not a good start to the day at all! Walking back downstairs and seeing Layla still at the door where I had pot her, I then clean up the mess she had made then want to the couch. "Layla get over here." I huffed out potting the TV on I looked at Layla an she had wet tears down both of her cheeks. "Sit." I said she sat down on my lap. "Tell me why I pot you on time out?" "B-because * sniffles * me being a-a bad girl daddy." "Hmm and do you think throwing food at daddy and making it go everywhere was a good idea?" "No daddy." "For more of your punishment you won't be having dinner tonight bath then bed understand?" "Yes daddy." I nod, getting a pacifier out of my back pocket and potting it in Layla's mouth as she muffled "thank you daddy." And she lays against my chest looking at the TV, don't get me wrong I feel bed for punishing Layla but she needs to know that I don't like that kind of behaviour, none of my subs is aloud to do that and think it's okay. Getting my phone I texted Conner to come over for a while maybe sleep here, and I got a reply saying he'll come over and that he's trying this Dom stuff out, and I was going to go to school but nah not with Layla being so bratty, I also told Conner what Layla did and he laughed but then said 'she doesn't know who she's messing with' so I think he's going to be like Baylis, with the strict kind of Dominant side of things when the door opened Layla looked at the door and smiled big, as Conner came though the door she got up and hugged him time but Conner pushed her off and slapped her face. "How dare you be so bratty! You little slut." She looked at him shocked, I was even shocked as I got up and picked Layla up she started crying her eyes out. "Man what the fuck!?" "Like I said man she needs to know not the mess with us your welcome." I rolled my eye, taking Layla into the kitchen and sat her down on the island. "Babe you okay?" "D-Daddy." She says crying, I give her a tight hug and got an adorable little bunny ice pack. "Shhh babe let Mr ice bunny fix your cheek." I softly say potting the ice on her cheek, as she comes down from crying and I rub her tears away. "I wuv you daddy." "Awe love you too cupcake." She giggles, making me smile. I then carry her into the living room potting her down next to me. "Did you punish her?" "Yes Conner I did punish." "Good she deserves it." Layla looked down sadly.

Layla's POV
What happened to my best friend Conner? I don't feel okay anymore I feel lost and confused, he hurt me! And it definitely scared me when Conner did that. "Bro why do you want to be on the strict Dominant side?" "Because makes me feel good." Oh no he's a daddy too? What if he try's something on me I definitely know for sure that he's not the old Conner I meet at school, I don't like this new Conner anymore. "Look Layla I'm sorry that I hit you that was wrong of me would you like to have a sleep over at mine to make up for what I did?" "R-really?" "Of course." I gasped looking at daddy. "Daddy can I can I please?" He chuckles and nods, yayyyyy! Conner got up and want upstairs, and came back down with a bag of clothes I kissed daddy's cheek, then got up taking Conner's hand as he smiled then taking us out and I sit in the back and they talked for a bit then Conner got in and took off. "Can we play games?" "Yeah sure games." He says, keeping an eye on the rode as I get excited I LOVE games so much! When we stoped in front of Conner's house he got out then got me out, and took me up to the front door then going in and shutting the door behind us. "Alrighty Let's play a game go up to my room." I frown but skipped, upstairs to his room looking around wow he has a nice room, then wait for Conner. An hour later Conner came in shutting the door and locked it, making me frown. "Alrighty now to start the game we have to stay very still and not say a thing can you do that love?" "I thank So." He smiled and came closer and closer. "Good girl you wouldn't like to get hurt again would you?" "N-no." "Say no Daddy now!" "N-no Daddy." He smiled as I didn't feel comfortable with this game, he then looked me up and down. "Take your clothes off." "No I don't like this game." He growls and slaps me across the same cheek he did before as I cry out. "Take the fucking clothes off Layla!" He yells, as I did so leaving me in just my diaper. "Get on the bed." He growls, I sob and go over to his bed and lay down, he smiled and came over opened my legs and taking the diaper off of me making me naked, he got undressed making him naked. "You ready to play the game babe?" "N-no I'm scared." "I'll ask again are you ready to play the fucking game?!" "Y-Yes." He came up close to my face. "Yes what?" "Yes d-daddy." He smiled, and started to kiss my neck and moved his hand down to my big girl parts rubbing them, as I gasped. "S-stop." But he dose not, and keeps going then stoped but only to pot his dick in me as I scream out, that was soon muffled against his hand that was over my mouth. "Mmm fuck baby girl your pussy is so amazing!" He moans going faster, as I keep crying against he's hand I want daddy why did I agree to come over here, Conner keep moaning and going in and out of me as I keep crying my eyes out.

"Layla babe wake up." I woke up, feeling really sore and Conner was looking down at me with a smile, I started crying all over again. "Hey shhhh Daddy is on his way if you say a word to him I'll kill you understand?" "Y-Yes." "YES WHAT!?" "Y-yes d-daddy." He nods with a smile then looked down at my still naked body, he got on top of me and slammed into me as I started crying, he slaps me and started chocking me to make me stop crying. "That's a good girl shhh and I won't kill you that's it good girl angel." He moans close to my face as I just watched him, fuck me as I let tears fall over my dry ones from last night, he keeps going and coming in me like he did last night. Then got out of me and got dressed. "Get dressed then come downstairs." He left the door shutting the door, I cry softly getting up, and leaping over to my clothes picking up my diaper and potting it on then potting my clothes on, and want downstairs in pain and saw daddy talking with Conner, daddy smiled when he saw me and I want over to him and he picked me up hugging me tightly, "god daddy missed his baby girl." I hold back to sob's as daddy hugged me tightly, I looked at Conner as he give me a wink and daddy then takes me out to his car potting me in the car set taking to Conner, then took off after getting in. "So beautiful did you both have fun?" "Yes daddy." Was all I said looking out the window, he raped me twice. "Babe you okay?" "Yes daddy." He frowns but didn't ask more then I fall back to sleep.
I woke up with my pacifier in my mouth and in a new diaper, I sat up and started crying softly I hate Conner! I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I hate him I HATE HIM, why me? I started crying more as the door opened daddy came over and picked me up. "Hey shhh I'm here babe daddy is here." He says hugging me rubbing my back, he pots me on the changing table and took my clothes off an diaper then carry me to the bathroom, and run me a bath. "Sweetie Emma and Baylis is coming over so you can have play time with Emma." I hate the word 'play time' because of last night and this morning. "Otay Daddy." Was all I say, he frowns again then helps me in the bath. "Daddy I would like to have some time alone please." He nods kissing my forehead, then leaving me alone I got out and got a razor want back into the bath and cry as I cut my wrists it hurt badly, then I unplug the plug and got out hide the razor then got dressed, even potting my own diaper on then Emma walked in. "Hey bestie!" She says hugging me tightly, then sat on the floor I did the same. "Are you okay?" She then asked as I looked down. I started crying and telling Emma what happened last night and how I just cut my arms, she was really shocked and ran out of the room as I kept crying. "WHAT!" Daddy booms from downstairs as i jumped, next Daddy was in my room looking mad as ever. "Layla come to daddy." He says mad, I slowly walked over to him and he picked me up getting my arms and looking at them, as Baylis came up from behind daddy looking at my arms sadly. "I'm going to fucking kill him." Daddy says mad as he give me to Baylis then walked back downstairs, Baylis rubes my back and took me downstairs sat me with Emma and pot kids shows on. I hope daddy still loves me.

Conner's room:

Conner's room:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2018 ⏰

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