•New school•

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•New school•                             Chapter 3 🌞

Today I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach, I think because I know it's school today. Rolling out of bed and getting my clothes out for school (clothes above), then taking myself into the shower waking myself up, with the hot water then getting out to dry off. Then getting into my clothes I picked and did my makeup but I kept it light, then went downstairs smiled at Mum and sat down at the table. "You ready for school sweetie?" "Yah Mum I hope people are nice do you have work today?" I asked potting food on to my plate and eating for. "Yah so I was thinking I drive you to school today on my way." "Yah sounds good." Mum smiled, and pots her plate away as I finished eating then doing the same, and walked out to the car as mum locked to door behind her and jumped into the car and took off. "So mum do I just go to the front office?" "Yah hun and come home after school please because I wanna hear about your day." Mum gives me her mum smile, as I laugh rolling my eyes. "Yah Mum okay." Mum smiled, as we pulled up in front of a really big school wow! Ah I'm so nervous I give mum a hug, then jumping out of the car, taking another look at my new school and walking up to the front doors, walking myself in and looking for the front office. Wow this school is big! I found the office and want on to a lady. "Hello how can I help you?" "I'm new my name is Layla." "Ah yes Layla welcome to LA school take a set." Nodding, I took a set on a chair not far from the lady as she want back to working on a computer. I took this time to look around the office it's big! And a lot of photos of kids that must go here, then a boy around my age came in and looked at me with a smile then came over. "Hi  my name is Connor I'm here to show you around your name is?" "Layla." Conner smiled, as I got up from the chair and he takes me out of the office and showing me the girl's bathroom, the lockers and were mine is, then showed me all of the classes that I have so I won't get lost, then a bell rings. "That's the bell for class one and I'm in the same class is you so follow me." Conner says, and he showed me the math class we took a set at the back as more people come in. "Us kind of people set in the back so we can do less work." He chuckles, as I smiled the teacher give us books and we had to do pages, 1,102 so it was a lot of work! Much different from my old school. "So tell me miss Layla how come you moved to LA?" "Um well my mum and I needed a new start because my dad left us with nothing basically." "Oh I'm sorry that happened." "It's okay you didn't know." He give me a smile, as I want back to my work then a boy walked in like He didn't care if the class looked at him. "Kian you're late." "Yah yah whatever." I frown, as he walked over to us and sat down next to Conner and going on to his phone. "You know that wasn't nice to the teacher." Conner looked at me, like I was crazy for some reason as the boy called Kian looks up from his phone and came closer, I gasped. "Keep that beautiful mouth closed." He says, then sat back going on his phone once again as I was shocked, wtf "keep that beautiful mouth closed." Who says that, Conner give Kian a look as I looked down at my work, who dose he think he is.

Conner's POV
Oh god why did Layla have to say that to Kian, you can tell that she was confused as she want back to her work, and I new Kian was going to be pissed off because Layla said that to him, when the bell want we got up and want to English, Layla want ahead as Kian pulled on my arm here goes nothing. "Who the fuck is she?" "Chill Kian she's new give her a brake and don't say that kind of stuff." "Keep her under control Conner or we both know what will happen." Kian hissed walking off as I sign, then I took myself to H.P.E with Jc who's ready close mates with Kian, I told him what happened and he laughed he finds a lot of things funny and it pisses a lot of us off most of the time, what I mean by a lot of us is us mates we sit with. "So basically this Layla girl is on Kian's bad side?" "Ah I think so for now hope her class is going well." "Don't hit on her Conner you're gay." He chuckles, as I rolled my eyes. "I know that! I wasn't thinking about that I'm just going to be a friend that she needs." He smile, then we had to do some sports. After sports the bell want for morning tea so, I want to my locker getting my stuff ready for next lesson, then want over to Layla. "Hey I go at the back of the school for morning tea would you like to come?" "Yah sure I don't have anyone else to sit with." With a smile, and showing her were to go we meet with the others and Kian looking at her. "So Layla this is Nash, Hayes, Carter, Will, Sammy or Sam, Kian, Jc and Trevor." The boys say hey, but Kian he just looks at his phone like always as I huffed, he's an ass seriously and rude. The bell ring so I show Layla to our next class, PC and of course sitting down at the back as people by people come in, and the teacher got started with the class.

"Conner what's Kian's problem?" Layla asked, as I just finished my work and looked at her. "Don't worry about him love he's like that to new people just give him so time here give me your phone for a sec." She frowns, but got her phone anyway and giving it to me going into contacts, I pot my name and number down then giving it back. "Now we can do stuff outside of school like friends." She smiled, then going back to her work to be honest i think she would be a good little for Kian if he doesn't be a stuck up, Layla huffed when she done her work then smile and got up going to the teacher giving the work she just did the cake back as I kept going on my work, wow! She's done already she's good like really good, when I was done an hour later I took it to the teacher and want out of class to my next class, that I'm late for because I hate to stay back but it was just home form, so no big deal I sat down next to Layla as she softly laughed because I had to stay back as I rolled my eyes. "Haha so funny." She stops and, give me a big smile as I chuckle rolling me eyes she's pretty funny.

Layla's POV
Conner is so funny! Like we are going to so best friends EVER, I just know it when it was like time. Conner showed me to the Lunch room getting food as I follow him, and we sat down with his friends but no Kian. "Bro were is Kian?" "He had to go to work he's business needed him." Business? He owns a business wow! That's really cool, Conner nods as I started eating. Uggh what a day already! I don't think Kian likes me tho but oh well who cares, people won't get no where in life, when my new class started I sat at the back with Nash, he's really nice and Hayes is his little brother. "So Layla you liking LA school?" Nah asked when class just started, making me smile. "Yah you guys are very welcoming." He chuckles, as I smiled what! It's true but Kian isn't he's like a bully but I remember what Conner said and try not to think too much about it, when school was over I want to my locker potting all of my books that needed today in and shut my locker, then want out of the doors I walked in this morning and took the rode to my house, remembering that mum wanted me to come home after school to hear about my day. When I got home Mum was in front of the TV so I walked over and sat down next to her. "Hey sweetheart how was school tell me about it." "Well I have a best friend his name is Conner and his friends are very welcoming but in a good way and we had most of the classes together." I explain, but not about Kian Mum smiled. "That's fantastic hun do you have homework?" I nod, and got up walking upstairs to my favourite room, and shut the door behind me and fall on the bed, at least I made some friends today.

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