•Standing out•

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•Standing out•                                    chapter 2 🌸

Unpacking boxes, first thing in the morning isn't really exciting but I need some of my old stuff to go with my new stuff from yesterday's shopping. Getting my old stuff out then my new stuff I looked around, my new room and potting stuff the way I wanna pot it then potting my new clothes in my new walk in closet, also potting stuff in my new own bathroom then making my bed and smile at my finished room. IM IN LOVE! Mum comes in with a smile looking around. "Wow Lay nice room sweetie I'm going out for work so help yourself to food downstairs I'll be back soon." Giving mum a kiss, she walked out as I take a shower washing my body and hair, then doing my face and getting out going into my closet picking out a jumper to just lay around in, and walking downstairs making a coffee in the kitchen, as I get fruit and cut some up potting it all in a bowl then moving into the living room potting the TV on and smile. I like this new start already I just hope it stays like this for a long time! I'd hate all of this to end its also a lot of money just to move to a new town, also takes a lot to move forward in your life after losing your dad in your life.

"Layla honey I'm home." Mum called out, walked into my room as I sat up with a smile. "Did you find a job mum?" Mum gives me the 'hell yes I did' look, I gasped and want to her hugging mum tightly as she laughed, wow already a job what can I say she's amazing! "Mum this is amazing when do you start?" "Tomorrow all day hon will you be okay alone?" "Yeah of course I'll just go swim all day." We laughed, ah I'm so happy for mum she has done so much for me, I'm so going to give it all back to her one day when I'm older because she definitely deserves everything like she thinks I do, mum want downstairs to cook dinner as for me I pot some music on up loud and want on my laptop looking up some jobs so I have a job and not just mum. Then I did some shopping online maybe getting too much stuff, then want downstairs setting the table up for mum and I, sitting down as mum came in with food and sitting it down on the table and we dig in. "So hon you definitely like this house?" "Definitely Mum I love it already you like it right?" "Of course sweetie I just have to make sure your happy then I'm happy." "Thanks mum but it should be me making sure your happy you do a lot for me." "I have to sweetie it's my job." Taking more food on to my plate I nod at mum, as she eat some of her food. "Yah I know mum but I have to look after you too." She chuckles with a smile, and getting up to pot her plate in the sink as I keep eating then doing the same. Mum and I then sat down and pot a movie on a thing we use to do with dad, I always hate the adds that would come on in the middle of the movie, Mum then fall asleep next to me so I turn the TV off and want upstairs to my room laying down in bed want on my phone then falling asleep. The next morning I woke up, with the sun coming into my room like my old room back at home rolling out of my favourite bed, taking my self downstairs to mum not around. Knowing she's gone to work, I want to the kitchen and made myself some eggs and bacon, also a coffee can't forget that! Then want to the living room potting the TV for some news as I eat my food, and have my coffee at the same time then I want upstairs to my room getting some clothes out and taking a very long shower, then getting out then into my clothes I picked out and jump on my bed getting on the laptop and shop for school stuff.

It's now 3:00 late in the afternoon, and mum still isn't home because work needed her so I made dinner for us both and jumped in the pool, having my own fun and playing around with the toys I had pot in the pool when we moved in, then I got out and lay by the pool to dry off in the sun. Mum then came back home as I walked back inside. "Oh hey mum how was work?" I asked, as she pots her bag down with the keys and huffed out. "Yah hon it was good busy tho and really tired what did you do?" " not much Mum I just was in the pool oh and I made dinner for us later so you didn't have to do it." She smiled, the cake over kissed my forehead then want upstairs she seems a bit... off, maybe because of work then taking myself upstairs to my room getting dressed again and going downstairs for a walk to the post office to get my stuff from off line. When I got there getting my stuff with a smile then walked back home, I walked in when I got home and walked upstairs cheeked on Mum she was sound asleep, I want to my room opened the stuff I got with a smile and potting the school stuff in the bag I got, then pot my new stuff away and pot some lights up around my room then I lay down and smile, I love my life.

(Layla's room)

(Layla's room)

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