10.Ha!I know the spark was there..

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?"I ask.He stop infront of the bathroom and smile at me.

"My name is Damien Ryder,but you can call me Dane,Danesse is my middle name.What's your name?"He say to me.

"Elex,elexandra Arethel gray but you can call me...Arethel"I told him.We shook our hand after he came out of the bathroom with some firstaid kit.

"Come here,I'll help you"He sat me next to him.I lift my shirt.He sprayed my scar with water,I hiss in pain.He wipe the blood off carefully.I stare at him.

"Where's your mommy?"I ask him.He look up,

"I don't know either,I live with my grandparents.."He shrug.He tore the plaster and plastered it along the scar."okey,done."He smile.I look at the scar and smile.

"Thank you..Dane."I smile at him.He nod.I grab the light saber and left his house after another thank you.

End of flashback》

Since that day,We become friends and found a favourite place,wich is the trees house and The Ferris wheel thingy.

"Lets go home,its getting late already"he smiled.We both get up and climb down the ferris wheel carefully.we reach the ground together,I grin at him and he furrow his eyebrows at

"You know..I'll probably lose at this,but.."I step away from him.
"..Who reaches the car first is the winner!!"I shout,bolting away swiftly.He ran after me,he failed try to yank me and I shriek when I see he was only a metre away from me.

I grin when I saw my car close.I try to reach it but sadly..I was pulled backward by no other than the dimwit,Dammy.He touch my car and smirk at me.
I pouted with a groan.

"Awww!"I cross my arm.His smirk widen cockily,still holding me.My back meets his hard abs.

"I win..,Arethel.."He mocked me stucking his tongue out.I stuck my tongue out.

"Whatever!you always win.."I grunt.He chuckle and we enter the car,driving our way home.

"Hah!Take that!"Lexi shout as she slap the UNO card on the pile of others.

Mason groan."ughh.I hate this game."He say,taking cards from the shuffled one.I chuckle at him.

"Says the guy who win several times ago.."I say.His face form a grin,he flip his non existance hair and I roll my eyes."your turn,chase."I nod at chase.He glance at his card and back to the pile of cards.He takes two of his card and slap it down on the piles.

"UNO,"he grin,holding his last card.It was my turn,I sigh knowing I'll loose and will end up bringing them to CC,Its just me and mason left.

I glance at the card and back to my card.

Red,5 .

Red Stop and 0.


I grin."Mason,I'll stop you and its my turn,Uno...and UNO GAME!"I cheer and do my happy dance.He groan and stomp his feet like a mad man.
"Whooohoo!,CC mathafacka!"I hollered and We all laugh at mason.

"Fine!,whatever!"Mason cross his arm and Left to the kitchen.
Chase shake his head and follow after him.

Sometimes,I ship the two guys together.

Lexi and Hay stand up from the floor,making their way upstair to play Xbox.Its just me,Ty and Dammy.

"Sigh.I'm starvinngg.."Ty groan, patting his stomach.Me and Dammy agreed.I lounge myself on the sofa,laying flatly.

Hmm.what to do,what to do...

I perk up and jump from the sofa.Ty and Dammy stare at me wierdly."you guys up for some brownies?"I smile hopefully at them.They look at each other and back at me.

"Brownies..in the middle of the night?"Dammy assure,Confuse.
I nod."Okeyy.!"They agree and we make our way to the kitchen.

"Holy fuck!"Our eyes widen at the not-so-mermaizing view,of Chase and mason Making out on the counter.They slightly pull away,taking heavy breathe.
Their face redden in embarrasment.

Ha.I know the sparks was there.

"Umm.."I clamp my hand together,stepping infront of the two.Trying to break the silence. "You-uh..You guys wanna make brownies? "I smile with my sparkly eyes.The two glance at each other but then a smile appear on their faces.

"Oh sure!"They say in unision and I clap excitedly.We start our 'baking session' after putting on an apron for ourself.

"Okey,first We add 2 cups of-"


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