12.I'm not a jock

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"Bhahahah-oh god-Hahahaa-"
I clutch my stomach laughing at some of the Chearleaders being pranked.Their white shoes was now drench with colourful colours.Everyone in the cafeteria laugh with me along with my friends.

The cheerleaders walks in the cafeteria in embarrasement. Their eyes avert a glare that daggered my skin.I straighten up and Purse my lips trying not to laugh.

I must be laughing to loud.

They approach our table,Leads by Emily young-remember the day I paint the field with oil?and meets Ryan salvatore who happened to sit on-fuck it I'll just straight up to the point-She's that loud cheerleader on our table.Tatiana bishop happened to be her sidekick,and together they are the lalaloopsies,along with the other cheerleaders.

She confidently look down at me with her infamous glare.I roll my eyes and fake smile at her.Her hand on her hips,follow by the other lalaloopsies.

"Hey,Emily..What bring you and ya'll lalaloopsies heya?"I smirk at her.Lexi and my friends add a helping smirk with me.Emily gasp at my nickname I gave them.

"Lalaloopsies?,What's that even mean?"She roll her eyes.I smile at her.

"Oh,it symbolise you guys so much..Fake beauty,dollfaces.."I forced a grin.My friend chuckle.
Their dagger glare on us deepen

"You,-ugh- wait until I disqualify you from this game!"She scream.I shake my head at her.

"Honey,Open your eyes wide and see where you stands..You aren't in the game anymore..
How can you disqualify the one who's still in?"I pout at her, standing up to pat her head.She groan and push my hand away.

Emily open her mouth but shut it immedietly and groan, stomping her feet.She walk away with her friends defeated.

Lexi pat my back.I gesture with my hand,'1-0'and they smirk, nodding at me.

"You go guurll!."Lexi fist bump me.We laugh and continue our food.We made it to our next class before the bell rang.I was in the same class as Mason and Lexi while Dammy's with Chase.

I walk through the door side by side with Mason and Lexi.I stop when Ryan called my name runnig to me.I turn to him and smile.He stop infront of me.

Dayum.Why do boys in my school had to be hot,handsome and sexy an-

"Hey,Sexy Running Jock..What's all the fuss is about?"I smirk at him.He chuckle.

"First,Yeah I know I'm sexy but I don't play sports.Second,I came to warn you about my friend's prank,The RT-"

"Oh,its okey.Thanks for caring but..yeah.Aren't you Listed?"I cock my head at him.He shook his head.

"I was.But I backed out..I don't wanna get myself into this shit."
He smile.I nod and he leaves to his sit and I took a seat between mason and Lexi.Mrs.Que came in and start the lesson with a words that I hate so much.

"Hand it in,homework please.."


"Ehem-erm-Okey,I try,I try.."
I clear my throat.

"and IIIIIIiiII,will Alwayyyss love youuUuUuUu-"

"Husshhhhhh!!"Mrs.Angie snapped at me.Me and This Hot guy-who is a jock-was playing with the the Fan.yeah,we're that bored.

The Fan face to me,blowing my hair making it stuck on my mouth.I shook my head,blowing it away.The Jock,Alex Cullen laugh at me and clear my hair away.

"Soo,what're we doing now?I'm freakin bored..."I whine,resting my head on the table.He mirror my action and sigh.

"Same heya.I wanna get out.."He shrug at me.I focus on the empty whiteboard , thinking.I Sit up straight when I found and Idea like a lightbulb appeared beside my head.Alex cock his head at my,I grin at him and nod repeatedly.

"You wanna get out.."I assure him with an evil smile.He gulp but nod nonthlessly.My smile widen."Then,.Follow my lead.."
I took something from my bag and show the powder to him.
He reads the lable and his eyes widen,He nod at me with an evil smile.

I tore the upper part of the powder pack.My mouth were covered with the top of my Shirt and so do Alex.

Mrs.Angie was busy texting furiously on her phone.Not even looking at us.I nod at Alex and he nod back,I sprinkle the powder making the fan blow it to Mrs.Angie direction.The powder takes time to make her cough,me and Alex nod and Highfive each other.

I put the powder back in my bag when Mrs.Angie is now soundly asleep.we uncovered our mouth and walk out the room.We burst out laughing.

"You're such a badass,Where did you get that,anyway?"he ask me.I smirk at him and shrug.

"Oh.I learn it from the best.."I say.He cock his head.

"Who.. is the best?"he smile.I open my mouth to answer but was enterupt.We turn our head to see Dammy waving,making his way to us.

"Oh hey Dammy!"I smile at him.
Alex chuckle at me.

"Dammy?"He say,Damien scowl and I grin at him.He turn his head to Damien."hey man,"He say to him,doing their bro hug.

"Ah.You know each other.."I say.

"Yea.We're in Chemistry class together."They nod.My mouth forms an O.

"Soo,Where are you going?"I ask dammy.

"I was suppose to be in detent-"

"Oh cool.We knocked down mrs.Angie..so no detention!lets go!"I pull their hand and they yelp following me out of the school.

"You?Knock down?Mrs.Angie? Where are we even going?"
Dammy scrunch his eyebrows at us.We nod and I wave the powder at him.He form an O shape.

"Actually.We haven't plan where to go,so any suggestion? "I say to them.They began to think. Dammy look at us.

"How about..We go gets some Ice cream ?"He suggest.Me and Alex let out a 'hmm'.But then agreed with him since we got nothing better to do.

"Who's ride?"I ask them.Alex lift his hand up.We follow him to his Car and drove away.

"Okey,be back in a few minutes"
The women said dissapearing at the back after we tell her our order.

We chat about random things, laughing at what Alex said.He's a cool guy.I can't believe that he can skates,he's also funny and full of mystery...and magic trick,that he's now trying on me.

"Okey,lend me your hand.."Alex say,I put my right hand infront of him.He grab it softly,A stiff comes from Dammy and I glance at him from the corner of my eye.He look away to avoid the glare he's giving to me and Alex's touching hand.

"I'll put this token here.."Alex say and I nod.He place the token on the back of my hand.

"..When I tap the back of my arm..the token will move from your hand to mine.."He instruct as he motioned the back of His hand.Dammy and I look carefully and he tap his forearm 3 time before covering it.

We stare at it curiously,he move his hand away showing a token laying on his forearm.We gasp in awe and I look back to my forearm,The token was gone..

And I didn't notice.

I clap excitedly and Dammy howl."How'd you do that?!".I frown,the boys chuckled and alex shrug.Our Icecream come rest on the table.We smile at the worker and she left.

I scoop my Ice cream plopping it in my mouth,I moan at the deliciousness and close my eyes as I devour the amazingness. The two boys laugh softly.I furrow my eyebrows at them.


"You moan when you eat?"Alex shook her head,chuckling.I roll my eyes and stuck out my tongue at him.He make a silly face and I chuckle.

Dammy's spoon clank to the ground making catching our eyes.He grab it and my eyes meet his sad glare.I cock my head at him.He pursed his lips and stand up.

"I'll go get a new spoon.."He fake smile.we approved him and my mind start wondering about what's wrong with him.

"Oh.wanna go to the skate spark later?"I just nod at alex's question but not really hearing what he said.I was so confused about Dammy.

Is he jelous?

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