Hospital Visit for Two

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It was 4:07 a.m. and it was the sixth time Spirit had started crying. While moping over to her bed I made the decision to just sleep with her in my bed or if I was really tired her crib. I picked her up and carried her back to my bed. I had just lied down when my phone started buzzing. I sighed loudly and grabbed my vibrating phone of the small bed stand.

          Hey, I was wondering if I could help you after my classes. It read. Who the fuck gets ready for classes at four in the fucking morning when the first class was at six forty-five.

Um, who is this?

Oh sorry Hon this is Danielle. I forgot that Niall didn’t tell you about me yet. Sorry.

No it’s fine. Also, I would love some help

Okay I’ll be there around four-ish

I laid back down and pulled Spirit closer to me. Mr. Zanier, the principal, said he’d send someone to drop of this week’s homework for my classes, but I would need to find someone else after this week. I was thinking of Michael for the job, but Danielle sounded promising. Also why did everyone know who Niall was? Why was everyone his friend? Also when did the one with the My Little Pony shirt leave?

I had a terrifying dream, which rarely happened. No the terrifying part, but the dream part.  The dream was the holocaust, luckily Spirit wasn’t there, but Niall was one of the guards and ended up killing me. It was 6:30 when I officially woke up. Spirit was staring at the ceiling.

“Let’s go baby girl.” I cooed. Sprit smiled. I took her down to the living room along with a handful of her stuff. I changed her on one of her blankets before grabbing her breakfast.  “We got to take the baby to the doctors don’t we? Yes we do. “I smiled sitting in the far corner of the living room. There was a knock at the door. What? I wasn’t expecting, what? I was really scared and it was the first time I heard that it was actually pouring outside. I knew the person getting my homework won’t show up until later, so who could this be? I just tried to get Spirit and me as far into the corner as possible.

“Sam, please I know you’re in there. Just, please, let me in.” The familiar voice of Michael pleaded.

“It’s open.’ I whispered, knowing he wouldn’t hear me. He barged through the door as though I was being murdered.

“Oh, thank God you’re okay.” He sighed after seeing me in the corner.

“I don’t know why I wouldn’t be?” I half giggled.

“I don’t know.” He smiled. Michael came and sat in front of me.

“How’s the little girl.” He asked looking at the bundled in my arms.

“She’s fine.” I smiled down at Spirit.

“I’m not trying to be rude when I say this but. . . You look super cra-tired”

“I know. I kind of just woke up for about the seventh time? I finally decided to just get up.” I huffed.

“Oh! I’m sorry. Especially since you have to do this all on your own.” He apologized.

“No, No don’t apologize. I could have just said I couldn’t handle a child when she sprung it on me, but I didn’t because I know I can. In all honesty she’s not that bad.” I smiled tiredly.

“Oh, well if you ever need help let me know, okay?” He said making eye contact with me.  I wearily nodded.  I was starting to feel light headed.

“You okay?” He asked aware something was wrong.

“Uh. . .  Yeah fine.” I gave a slight nod.

“Can you go warm up a bottle for Spirit?” I asked.

MistakesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon