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A High pitched, eerie scream echoed through the alleyway, at the nauseating sight of a horrific beast emerging from the shadows. The long, greasy, tangled brown hair, a large chunk of skin and mussels were clearly bitten off of the left side of its neck. A glass eye with a crack through the middle took its  place in the right eye socket. The pale skin from sun deprivation. It was obviously one of the disgusting undead creatures that now roamed this land. Those things that took the form of a human, but were far from one. We call them, the turned!

I believe these things are more well known as Zombies... but the zombies where we live are different then what we expected. Every zombie has emotions, intelligence, agility, incredible regeneration abilities, memories of when they were alive, and of course the usual unsatisfying hunger... but the most terrifying thing about these creatures is that the look, walk, and talk like humans. They also don't get infected from a simple bite, once they die they turn.

It all started in our country Thead. The land my Great Great Great grandfather made. He was our first president, and after that, it went down the line, now to my father who was the current president. Throughout the generations Thead remained  place where only the extremely wealthy, or descendants of the first residents lived... but due to its beautiful hotels, beaches, and more, it quickly became the #1 honeymoon location. Everything was owned by our amazing government, and due to the insane amount of newlyweds flowing into our land, our government was practically swimming in leftover money. When we heard a rumor about about the apocalypse beginning in another country, our government quickly drove away all of the foreigners and used the extra money to build a wall to protect us. They even created a mandatory vaccine known as a the ODSD to "protect" us from becoming one of the turned. Little did we know that the things that they made to protect us, were the things that would kill us.

After about three months of living in these new walls we were given an announcement that the the apocalypse rumor was a hoax, and that they were going to build a gate in our new wall so the people could once again come in, and we could go out. A few days after that hopeful announcement, three children died from the flu, they were the first to turn.

They began eating people in the middle of the night which only created more of these undead creatures. That's when scientists began to tell us the side effects of the ODSD. The main one was becoming a zombie once you die, that's why we don't call the turned infected, because now... we're all infected! The only antidote to the infection is in a country right outside our walls called "Lepoh." So the government opened its doors for one day only to let survivors in, as they make a way to exit the walls and collect the antidote, but by then the Zombie intelligence kicked in.

The zombies that weren't openly injured pretended to be survivors to get into the governments safe spot. That's when they killed more then 3/4 of the survivors in there. Even now there's only two ways to separate Humans from the turned that are pretending to be humans, #1 The turned cant swim, #2 when the turned cry, they cry blood. Humans have been using those ways to keep themselves alive until they can escape the walls, hopefully...

Until they escape, the survivors of Thead are expected to survive. Yes... they, I'm not a survivor anymore...  remember that beast from before? Way back in the beginning of this chapter? Yeah, that's me, Juliet. Welcome to Thead, you won't live long here.

Prologue end...

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