"Okay guys. Shall we get to it or did we come here only to make fun of each other" she pointed at Roy and Daniel. "threaten each other" she pointed at Daniel and me "and hug each other?" She pointed at herself and Matt, who by the way still had his arms wrapped around her.

God how I wish that was me.

 I know that I sound like a loved crazed idiot. I wouldn't really say that I'm in love but I do like her alot.

"So Becca Matt and I got a new assignment at our literature class and we wanted to know your point of view in the whole 'love' concept." Ashlyn, I think was her name said from beside Daniel.

"Love?" Rebecca asked de-attatching herself from Matt.

"Yeah. Love." Matt said in an 'are-you-stupid-or-deaf' tone. Conviniet subject matter.

"I think it's a load of crap. I think it's just something out of the movies that producers and directors make up to make more money. I honestly think the the whole concept of love is overrated and stupid. So what if you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. Those kind of things just happen because you want to prove to the world that you own a person. After the wedding and the kids and the happily ever affter problems begin. I don't belive in love because I know that from one day to another, when all the happily ever after mushy stuff ends, those two people go back to being bitter. When all the love fades away and they can't stand to look at each other in the face that's when you know that there is no such thing. It's just something made to help people make money off of it. Once the wedding and the kids are here and one of the two gets horrible sick that stupid vow of 'in sickness and in health' goes to vain. You realize that your partener is only there in health because when one of them gets sick the other one bails and goes out and gets drunk every night, comes home late, beats his kids and treats his wife like shit. So my opinion on love is that it's bullshit because people have the habit of saying it and not meaning it. Yeah it would be nice to find someone who loves you and means it but by the rate that were going off of those people don't exist anymore, they're blinded by money and stress or in the most common cases; alchohol." Rebecca said with tears streaming down her face. She ran away from us and began heading towards the private practice rooms she took me to yesterday.

"Rebecca! Wait!" I shouted running behind her. My legs being longer than hers allowed me to catch up to her just as she was about to shut the door to private room in the furthest corner of the gym. I pushed my foot in bewteen the door and placed my hands on the door to stop her from being able to close it. Since I was stronger than her I was able to open the door enough to get in and closed it behing me.

"Come here." I said opening my arms up for her and walking towards her. She ran towards me, her hands still covering her eyes and jumped into my arms. I walked us over towards one of the mats that were laid out on the floor and sat us down. Her still in my arms.

"Shhh. Shhh. I'm here. It's going to be okay. I promise. I'll make it better. I promise." She looked up at me moving her hands from her face only for me to see a cut, not very deep but still there, on her left cheeck. I looked at her in surprise. Who in the hell did this to such a beautiful girl?

"Who did this to you?" I asked even though I knew the anwser. Her father was a total jackass and just the fact that he would dare hurt a female proved he was alos a coward.

"Don't ask questions you already know the anwser for." She said tears still streaming down her face. I wrapped my arms tighter around her and pulled her small, fragile body into my chest, her arms automatically wrapping around my waist. I felt like if I didn't hold her close enough that she was going to break into millions of pieces in my arms and dissapear of the face pf the earth forever. So I held her as close to me as possible, running my hand up and down her back, trying to soothe he.

Roy's POV

She ran off. And he ran after her. 

Rebecca ran off crying and a boy she met a few days ago ran after her trying ot comfort her. I felt like a total fuck up right now. I should of run after her. I should of done the bestfriend-y thing and not let her run off in the first place. Even thought I knew Harry would calm her down I couldn't help but feel like shit over that fact that I just let my bestfriend, the girl I've known since still in diapers, run off and not even chase after her. At leats she would find some love along the way with that boy. He seemed good. Any other guy would have left already knowing all of the fuck up things that happended in that poor girls past, even if they weren't her fault, people still had a way of pushing such a  great girl away just because of her fucked of father who messed up basically her entire liife up until this point. But no more. I was back now and I was begining to move to my own place next week. THe apartment had two rooms and I was planning on asking her to move in with me ever since I decided to get the place. Now I made my mind up. 

As soon as she walks out of that room calmed down  I'm telling her she's moving in with me. THere will be no more abusive father for her. I will save her from this life. What I couldn't do when we were both fourteen I will do today. I will save her.

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