Back together

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She arrived at the airport at 10 p.m. Hotch volunteered to pick her up and drive her to Rossi's house, but she refused. Coming back in D.C. was already a lot to deal with after all those years, and she wanted to handle it alone until she got there, so she called a cab. The truth is that she never thought of Washington without Derek, and she just wanted to postpone as much as she could the time she would see the others, 'cause by that time she would have broken up, and she didn't know when she would have been able to get the pieces back together.
While walking up the path and the porch of Rossi's mansion, she could see her friends through the big windows. They were sitting on the sofa or the armchairs. 'They're waiting for me' she thought, while finally ringing the bell. It was Rossi to open the door. His eyes were all red, and when he saw her he couldn't stop the tears. Emily was like a daughter to him, the same way Derek was like a son, and he couldn't handle seeing her after what happened in London. "Emily" he could just say, and while he let her come inside he hugged her. She hugged him too, but David could feel her rigidity, like if she was trying to protect herself from feeling true emotions. Anyway, he chose not to say anything, because even if he was suffering he was still a profiler, and maybe the hard part of that job was avoiding profiling the people you love and know better than anyone else in the whole world. They entered the living room and everybody stood up and hugged her. JJ was heartbroken, Spencer was trying to be strong, even if the amount of emotions that were threatening him was enormous, but he had been through that before, with Maeve, and now he wanted to make the difference for those who he thought would have suffered the most: Penelope and Emily. What he didn't know was that they were all suffering the same, and that he was the one who would have been helped by his friends. Penelope was so destroyed that she couldn't say anything, not a joke came out of her mouth to announce the arrival of Emily Prentiss in DC after two years. And Aaron. She had never seen him like that. No, now that she thought about it she had. When Haley had died. That was the only time he wasn't trying to hide his emotions in order to be strong for the team. He hugged her, and whispered in her ear "We can talk whenever you want." "Now" she answered, and without speaking a word she went out, Aaron behind her. When they were finally alone, he told her, even if he was looking at her back "Emily, you need to stop hiding your emotions. He wouldn't have wanted it." She started to shake, and than screamed, while crying "You don't know it! You can't know it! He is not here, and he will never be again!" And while those words left her lips, she realized what they meant. "He's gone..." Aron didn't hug her, he just got closer, and told her "You don't have to face it alone, you know it. We'll be there, we are here. You have to promise me that you won't keep your emotions from us, or they'll destroy you. We can't lose you too." And with those final words, he left her alone.

What is left of me without you? // Demily fanficWhere stories live. Discover now