Mr. Hiddleston - Part Four

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You were sat in your dorm room with Jake, getting ready for the night. You feel like a giddy school girl again. A woman of 20 years of age has a silly schoolgirl crush!

"You look fabulous," Jake said grinning from ear to ear.

"Aww yay! Okay, I have to go or I'm going to be late! I'll see you tomorrow" You said.

"Okay, babe! Have fun! But not too much fun, don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Jake shouted as I walked out of the room. You took a deep breath and mentally prepared yourself.

'God, why am I so nervous, it's not like I haven't been on a date before!' You thought to yourself.

"Hey," Tom said walking towards you.

"Hi" You replied.

"You look really nice," Tom said smiling. You smiled at the floor and could feel your cheeks going red. He was wearing a blue suit and it fitted him perfectly, he was a very attractive man.

"Shall we?" Tom said smiling and holding his arm out.  You wrapped your arm around his and walked to the restaurant.

Tom had picked out a beautiful place for dinner was very fancy, which you loved!

"Right this way Mr. Hiddleston," the waiter said leading you both to your table. You had a beautiful view of London out of the window.

"This is a lovely restaurant Tom, thank you," You said feeling very shy.

"Haha you're welcome, it's my pleasure," Tom said placing a napkin on his lap.

The night was so great you were chatting so much it's like you both had many things to tell one another we could get enough words out! When talking to Tom you felt like everything you said, he was actually listening to and you didn't feel as if you were boring him at all!

"Sorry to interrupt but we are closing in 10 minutes," said the waiter.

"Oh very sorry, we will make a move," Tom said getting up. You giggled and joined him. It was already 11:45 but felt like it had only been five minutes!

"I've had a really good time tonight Y/N, I haven't connected with someone like this before," Tom said as you were walking down the street.

You shivered a little when we got outside - it's London at midnight and September, therefore, it was like the arctic!

"Oh there you're freezing, here take my jacket," Tom said quickly removing his jacket and placing it on your shoulders.

"Oh thank you, you didn't have to haha," you said - this was a blessing his jacket smelt just like him, beautiful.

"I agree, I haven't that much fun in ages!" I replied. Tom smiled.

You didn't realize it but you were just wondering the streets of London at 1 am just talking and telling stories. You stopped for a pizza at one point to warm ourselves up! Eventually, we arrived back at your dorm at 3 am!

"Well, tonight has been very interesting" You giggled with my back towards my door. "And I have had the best time" You smiled.

"Me too. I hope we can go out again soon?" Tom asked. He was so polite.

"Of course, anyway I should probably get in, early start tomorrow!" You said passing Tom his jacket. There was a moment you both were just looking into one another's eyes, his deep blue eyes were so beautiful. As he went to lean in for a kiss a door slammed coming from the floor below you, which made you both jump.

"Well early start tomorrow and I'm teaching in six hours! Should probably get home" Tom laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes, of course, goodnight Tom, thank you again" You smiled opening the door.

"Bye," Tom smiled and waved.

'Ugh, that's so annoying'. you thought as you leaned against the door in frustration! When there was a knock behind you. You opening it and it was Tom.

"Oh, everything oka-" You were interrupted by Tom pulling you in for a kiss. It was incredible - he was a really good kisser!

"Sorry but I've been wanting to do that all night," Tom said smiling. You smiled back.

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