The Unborn Child - Loki - Part One

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It has been a few days since Thor went down to New York to bring back Loki. You had no idea what was going on. Only that you loved Loki. He must have been in some sort of trouble or Thor wouldn't have gone to get him. The next day you heard the rainbow bridge is activated. You ran outside of the castle to see what was happening. You saw Thor walking in a rage and Loki was behind him in handcuffs and a muzzle over his face.

"Loki" You ran up to him trying to keep up with their speed.

"Loki!" You shouted again forcing eye contact. He continued walking and not looking at you.

"Y/N you need to leave I shall come and find you later," Thor said looking straight ahead. You stopped walking and watched Thor and Loki walk into the castle with guards surrounding them.

'What the hell is going on?" You thought to yourself.

It was getting dark and you were sat in your chamber hoping someone would turn up soon. All of a sudden there was a knock at your door. It was Thor.

"Come in" You shouted.

"Hello I have come to might want to sit down," Thor said turning you around so you were walking towards the bed.

"Okay..." You replied. Thor sat you down and explained everything. You felt the tears run down your face and deep pain in your belly.

"I'm so sorry Y/N" Thor whispered placing his hand on your shoulder and pulling you in for a hug. "But by the time we got there it was almost too late" Thor continued.

"But I love him...he can't be in the dungeons forever" You whimpered putting your hands on your head. Thor had always had a crush on you and was slightly jealous that you had chosen Loki instead of him.

"That's the way it has to be," He said moving your hair out of your face. You were looking at Thor, you had a feeling that you had never felt with him before. Like butterfly. Slowly Thor leaned in for a kiss. At this point in time, you didn't want anything else just to be with Thor, like this.

Time Skip

One morning you woke up with Thor sleeping next to you. Loki was in the dungeons and you had become attached the Thor, he was being kind and supportive. Only this mornign felt werid, you hadn't got your period. You went into the bathroom and taking a pregnancy was positive.

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