The Big Suprise - Part One

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You and tom had been together for a while now. You loved him more than anything. You and he had been together since high school. One morning Tom came into your room and awakened you with a kiss and breakfast.

"Wake up darling it's a new day," he said placing the tray of food next to your bed and opening the curtains. The daylight burned your eyes.

"Morning," you said stretching and sitting up. Tom came and joined you, sitting next to you on the bed. He was staring at you with a huge smile on his face as you reached for the orange juice.

"What?" You said smiling back at him.

"Get ready I have a surprise," Tom said still smiling and heading for the door.

"Tom?" You replied getting out of bed and jogging to keep up with him.

"Nope," he said turning around and blocking the door.

"Get ready and then you'll see okay?" Tom said with a serious face pointing his finger at you.

"Okay" you replied smiling but still rolling your eyes. Tom walked away closing the door behind him.

"10 minutes" he shouted back.

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