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[Chapter Five: Words (Don't Come Easy)]

Song: On My Mind | Jorja Smith | Acoustic Instrumental [JustAcoustic]


《 Winter 》

I thought about moving in with Grandpa and figured it would be a good idea. I needed to interact with someone and Grandpa was one of the only people I actually talked to since the incident. Grandpa was somewhat cooled off and definitely nothing like my parents. He'd make terribly hilarious jokes at really inappropriate times but that made me comfortable around him.

At school, I needed to avoid both Charlie and Adam. I didn't bump into Charlie anymore because I drove to school. And I didn't have Adam sitting at the table because I wasn't sitting at that table anymore. I was hidden in the back of the library on the floor with my nose in some book about Native Owls in South Indonesia or something that looked interesting.

I walked into last period forgetting about the partner assignment assembly in the auditorium. Great now I'm gonna be late. I push my glasses up and walk to the auditorium entrance. Luckily, they hadn't started yet and grabbed the first seat I could see.

"Can I have your attention, please? In the back please be quiet," Mr Howards called out." As you know, semester projects are due to start this week and partner assignment here at West Ridge is a way where we can maintain a high standard of education. We have assigned your partners this year based on your grade average and rated class ability sheets from your teachers. For those attending from Lake East, your averages have been taken from previous schools files and you have been currently rated by teachers. So, first impressions do count ladies and gentlemen, please keep that in mind. Okay. Let's begin. Stacey Atwood and Preston Wilson. Darcy Evans and Olivia Thorpe." The list continued as I nervously tapped my foot. They were strict here, I'll give them that.

"Charles Upwood and Beatrice Parker." I saw Charlie walk down the stairs alongside Beatrice. Beatrice was a popular girl. Smart, I hear. And I wasn't surprised at Charlie's nervous look, especially when he was tripped up by Trent Dashwood, a jock with almost no brain. I say almost because I don't disrespect jocks complete because of their athletic capabilities. I just disrespect bullies. 'Charlie,' I whispered, hoping he wasn't hurt. He tumbled down a couple of steps before he regained composure.

"I'm okay," he reassures himself and followed Beatrice out the door.

"Gordon Fisher and Penelope Chang. Philip Nelson and Maria Harvey. Isabela Santos and Harvey Tiller. Winter Danvers and Adam Allen." WAIT, WHAT? I stood up to the whispers. 'Lucky b-tch she gets to partner up with Triple A.' and the sort. I walked down the stairs carefully, knowing full well that everyone was staring. Mr Howard continued the list as I walked out alongside Adam. I followed to where he was going because I had no idea what to do.

"Lucky you. You get to partner up with me." I smiled at his remark, knowing full well I was going to spend half of every week with this guy and some weekends and most likely, sometime after school.

"It wasn't a choice," I replied. His eye widened. My eyed widened. I spoke. I SPOKE.

"You speak?" He asked, genuinely surprised.

"When I have something to say." Again, with the monotonous replies.

"Why didn't say something to me earlier?" With this question, I remain quiet. I didn't want to say too much in case he would get freaked out. I SPOKE. To him. What is wrong with me? "Hey, you can talk. There's no limit and I'm not gonna freak out."

"Okay," I whispered. I could feel the burn his eyes were burning into mine. What was this?

"Hey, Winter," Carly approached, breaking the trance between Adam and me. "How are you feeling?" I smiled and nodded, avoiding the glance Adam was giving me. "Adam we were gonna get burgers and stuff at the diner. Wanna come?"

"Nah. I'm probably gonna get started on these papers with Winter," He replied, looking between me and Carly.

"Alright nerd. I'll see you at home. Bye." She walked away to join the curious huddle of friends looking over at us. I gave Adam a questioning look, but I didn't want to ask.

"You can ask you know." This boy was reading my mind. How? I pondered for a few seconds.

"Why did you... why didn't you go with them?" He grinned as I averted my eyes away from his.

"Well, the truth is, I've wanted to talk to you since the basketball thing. And now since you aren't ignoring me, I actually want to get to know you." I sat up, surprised by his response. I couldn't tell if the comment was smug or sweet. But sweet sentiments lie Winter. Always assume a person lies until proven they are honest.

I diverted the eyes away from his and reached for my phone to check the time. 2:46 PM.

"Soo..." He continued. "Your place or mine?"

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