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[Chapter Four: Memories Are Made of This]

Song: I Fall Apart | Post Malone | Acoustic Instrumental [JustAcoustic]


《 Winter 》

The last few days seemed like weeks. Charlie was persistent and walked by my side to school every day and that Adam guy always ended up at my table in lunch, even though he was repeatedly called over by a group of kids sitting across the quad. I still hadn't said a word to either of them though. Or anyone in fact. I didn't have a reason to.

I didn't know how to react to the sudden attention I was getting from either of them and the attention that came with them, particularly Adam. Luckily, for me, the semester projects were being released and I could focus on that, instead of looking constipated while being spoken to about random crap.


Usually, for the semester project, pairs were assigned. We had a similar set up in Lake East High, but it counted for less here. Not that I minded, of course. The semester project meant that half of all subjects in the week were basically a free period where you obviously had to work in class or in the library and study halls.

I wasn't completely comfortable with the idea of working in partners because of my whole "I don't exactly speak" thing but it seemed to work out that everyone would end up doing their own thing and if you wanted to be by yourself to do it, you could. I just hoped that it was the same here at Northshore.

I had noticed that Adam actually turned out to be in the majority of my classes. Not that it was a big deal for me, I sat furthest from the door on the front row with my brown hair shielding my face as I review over my notes from the last class. Yeah, I'm a geek, nerd kid whatever. I don't talk to people. What else am I supposed to do?

This week, as suspected was project assignment week. I received a study brief (a 7-page book) from each subject. In each class, they discussed the project and the kids asked questions. Here's the fun part. EVERYONE was assigned a partner. Let me rephrase: EVERYONE WAS PREASSIGNED PARTNERS. So, my hope of doing the project solo - shattered. We'd find out our partners tomorrow in the auditorium. In front of everyone. Fun.


I chose to walk home for a few reasons. One, I didn't have a car and I didn't like the school buses which meant that two, I didn't take the bus. Three, I like the peace I got from walking the route home. I won't lie. I walked 40 odd minutes to school and back, but it was one of the meagre things that kept me sane. It also meant I got to walk near the lake.

When I don't feel urgent to go home, I stop by a rock ledge that overlooks the lake. I know this may seem like one of those cliché "life sucks" scenes but it's not. It's more like a cliché "sometimes being lonely lets you settle back on the ground after floating around helplessly". Back in New York, there was a bench I was seemed to automatically go to in Central Park back with my best friend. I stared at the water as the memory began to cloud my thoughts.

We were laughing about something I could never explain. As usual, we stopped by the hot dog stand and grabbed two corn dogs and strolled into Central Park. It was one of those days where laughing was a requirement after every sentence. You'd even forget the joke and just laugh at the sight of your best friend laughing. It was those moments I refused to take for granted. The times where I was truly happy. Or I thought. Our conversations in the park ranged from the casual boy talk to deep conversations. I wasn't afraid to show my true self.

That day particularly, it was like you weren't there. Your mind wasn't with me. I wanted to make you feel better.

I wanted you to know. I remember telling you how precious you were to me. I would never betray you and you were my best friend, my sister. That I l-

I broke free from my trance knowing for well the lies I remembered. I wiped the stray tear with the sleeve of my jumper and stood up. After taking a moment to stare at the ripples on the water, I strolled back home.


Approaching my house, I noticed the black Range Rover parked on the street in front of the house. Urgh, the parents were here. There was another car, a silver Audi parked on my driveway. Why was the Audi parked on my driveway but not the Range Rover? I shrugged at the thought and decided to wait. I didn't need to ask. Mother would tell me the answer even if I didn't care.

One thing that I disliked about my parents was that they were judgemental. Of everyone and everything, even if they weren't directly involved with that person. So, it wasn't surprising when I opened my front door and was greeted by the sight of my mother rearranging the bookshelf and my father inspecting the artwork I had hung on the walls. And so, I shut the door. Loudly. On purpose of course.

"Darling. How nice of you to appear finally," Mother greeted, pulling me into a forced hug. I didn't return the movement simply stood to wait for a somewhat long list of tasks I needed to do before the next corporate event or somewhat of the other.

"Winter. How are you?" My father smiled. I pursued my lips into a half smile to satisfy any further questions.

"We were in a nearby city and decided to pay a visit seeing as its been several months. We've missed you, Winter. I don't understand why you chose to live here in such a -" She was cut off the sound of my father's voice clearing. Although I was not close to either parent, my father somewhat understood my withdrawal and knew I wouldn't change my mind.

"You grandfather is worried this seclusive set up of yours will end up regrettable for all of us and so he decided to buy the Boulders by the lake." I inhaled sharply, knowing for well the kids that live in that neighbourhood. Kids that went to my current school. "He's moving in within the next month and he wants you to move there with him. He's also said it your choice but personally, I think, with this new school arrangement of yours, the house it closer and -" Again my father coughs, stopping her from babbling on some more. "It's your choice darling. But please consider it. Also," Great more news. "We wanted to give you something to show you we support your decision here. The Audi outside is for you and we set it up in your name. You can change it if you want. Just call my assistant." I stood quietly and pursued my lips again, nodding slowly.

"Liz, darling, we're going to be late for our flight," My father adds breaking the silence. I know that that's a lie because they're using a private jet, but I appreciated he knew how I felt. With that, they made their way to the door.

"Darling, one more thing. There is a ball next month and we ask you to at least make an appearance. I will get Harrison to email the details." She walked out of the house and towards the car. My father followed, but not before looking back at me.

"Winter. I know it's been hard for you. Honey we just want the best for you. Please try at least." He followed his wife into the car and they drove off. And that was as interactive as I get with my parents.

I huffed out as I close the door and stared in my empty house. Maybe I should move in with Grandpa.

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