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[Chapter Fourteen: Seemed Like a Good Thing]

Song: Sitting, Waiting, Wishing | Jack Johnson


《 Adam

I watched Harper's chest move as he breathed. The doctor talked to my parents, telling them the problem. Bottom line: he was okay.

That wasn't what was on my mind. I kissed her. I kissed Winter. Not the girl from school Winter. I kissed the true Winter. And my best friend is lying in front of me in a hospital and all I want is to be by her side. What is wrong with me?

《 Winter

My parents sat opposite me, waiting for Penelope and Harvey to update them. They were actually concerned for once. I didn't know what was going on and what Harper's condition was. And whether they mentioned something to me or not, I wouldn't have been paying attention. On my mind was that kiss. Winter, I'm being honest right now, but that was a peck, not a kiss. Your lips touched for a split second. I mean, you were expecting longer but - Stop. This isn't about me right now. It's about Harper and even though I don't know anything about him, he's still hurt.

This Adam thing can wait. I think.


"Right okay... Can this not wait." My father was on the phone with his assistant. There was trouble in paradise, and by paradise, I mean New York and by trouble I mean money loss. "I'm with my daughter... No, of course, I understand... We'll be there in 3 hours. Set up meeting first thing tomorrow. Okay." He hung up the phone and looked over at my mother who had mixed expressions written all over her face. For once she didn't look completely relieved they had to leave. In fact, she looked kinda... sad.

"Winter." She faced me and her faced returned to its emotionless state. "Business calls. We will return soon." She soon stood up. My eyes followed her as she passed my father who gave me a soft smile and followed her.

I sat there wondering. Why did my mother seemed more concerned about Harper and then leave me with her emotionless self? Was there something about Harper that I didn't know?


"Morning sunshine." Luci was scarily happy this morning. No that's just Luci giving you happy vibes. Happy happy happy vibes. I grunted in response to both of them.

"What's wrong? What happened? Is it the parents leaving last night because I agree that wasn't cool..." She held the spatula and shook it about when she talked.

"It's not the parents. I'm used to the parents. It's -"

I paused when I saw a box on the end of the table. "What's that?"

"I... don't know. Danny found it on the doorstep this morning. It's addressed to you." First of all, Danny? No one calls Dan - Danny.

"Danny?" Okay, now when did we become vocal thoughts. Just go with it. You wanted to ask and now you get an answer. Trust me it makes you feel better. You wouldn't know. Still, I have a point. Whatever.

"Yeah, it annoys him. It's funny." She turned back to cooking breakfast as I shrugged and walked towards the box.

I opened the note attached.


I become lost in your eyes and the feeling is unreal. When we touched, I knew we were something else. Keep in anticipation that another moment will arise where I can kiss you once more.

There are many ways I can express the way I feel. So, enjoy my gift. A reminder of our first proper night together.


I almost dropped the box. I watched Luci's eyes widen at my expression and she lingered towards me. I quickly dashed to the garage and into my car, grabbing my bag along the way. I locked myself in the car. I opened the box and looked at the gift inside. A single, thornless red rose. Awe, he's so romantic. One thornless red rose: love at first sight. It reminds me of Vince. It reminds me of Vincent.

From that moment, I knew I had to get out of this situation. I was getting in deep with my situation with Adam and I sure didn't want history to repeat itself. He could turn out exactly like Vince. He could be exactly like him and you don't know because you met him three weeks ago. Or he could help you heal? Ever thought of that.

Without a second's thought, I cut my mind off. I couldn't face Adam today. I would go back to the old Winter.

But for some odd reason, this time, I didn't want to.

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