He coughs and spits blood, before slowly shaking his head. "I don't know what your talking about."

The thing is...I've heard this 'I don't know what you're talking about' plenty of times before to know when it means 'I know exactly what you're talking about'. 

I lick my lips and take a quick inhale to calm my nerves. 

"Unfortunately for you, you crashed in my territory. Nixon, I think you know him-" I see the look in his eyes change, "-pretty well. One of my loyalist-"

"I'm loyal, Red. You know that-" He tone shifts, but my quick fist interrupts him when I punch him into silence, jaw clenching while I try to contain my anger.

"You nearly killed her."

"I heard she died anyw-"

I punch him harder again, and it's taking all of my power not to make him bleed out where he sits.

He spits out more blood before meeting my eyes again. "What even makes you think the accident wasn't so much an accident. It was night, it was dark out-"

"DON'T FUCKING BULLSHIT ME, PERRY." I boom angrily, standing up and pacing side to side a little while pointing at him, "Nixon saw you get out of your truck, walk over to her unconscious body, and call someone." I explain dangerously low, "Said you told whoever that 'it was done'. Expect me to still think it was an accident?" 

His jaw clenches when I stop and look dead at him. After a short moment, he coughs and spits more thick blood from his mouth. "So what? I saw an opportunity to make some more quick money, it was nothing to spite you, Red. It looked like an accident and that was it!" Frustration becomes apparent in his voice as it rises in volume to a pained yell, "Who was the bitch to you anyway!?"

I scoff softly through my nose as I step closer to him and squat down to his face again. 

"She was everything to me."

My answer unexpectedly comes out less hostile and more soft, and I immediately saw it as weakness, so I pull my shit together as I stand up again, his face morphing into terror from my response.

"Red...I-I...I didn't know. I swear I didn't know! I wouldn't have--"

"Who were the people on the phone?" I interrupt calmly, and he mumbles a 'what?' so I swiftly pull out my gun from its holster and aim at his head with no hesitation.

"I said who were the people on the phone?" I demand, and he tilts his head while his expression morphs into desperation and his hands come up like he's about to beg for mercy.

"Red, you know I can't give out busin--"

With wanting to kill him so bad, I'm able to move the gun last second before I pull the trigger so only his shoulder is shot instead of his head.

"Who are they? I wan't names and where I can find them. NOW." I command, and he suddenly really looks scared. 

"Red, they'll kill me-"

"And what makes you think I won't?" I question dangerously and he inhales painfully and ruggedly.

"Okay...okay...Their names are...Terrick and Jerrick." He finally spills, "Last...time I checked...t-they were in the South Hinkley District. Somewhere on the small island down there. I-I don't know where though."

I reach into my pocket and grab my phone, opening it and tossing it at him. "Find out."

He looks up at me, "What? I have their number on my own phone-"

"I want it on mine, now call them and find out exactly where they are." 

He hesitates but pulls out his own phone to get the number, doing as told because he's at gunpoint and knows I will pull the trigger. 

"What if they don't answer?" He asks and my grip the hold of my glock tights and my jaw clenches and my voice comes out low again.

"You better fucking hope they do."

His hand starts to shake as he puts it on speaker phone and it rings. Multiple times, his eyes wide in fear as he stares at the phone, clearing wanting them to answer. It was clear he was more afraid of me than the Russian Twins, which he should be.

"Kto eto?" There's an answer.

"It's Perry. Lenox Perry."

"Oooh, da. Da. Khoroshiy chelovek! Good man! What's with voice and unknown number?" 

"New phone...for business purposes."

"Da. Smart man, maybe you do that to my phone?" He laughs, so Perry laughs along too.

"Hey, look, uhm," He looks up at me for guidance but I only gesture down to the phone with the gun before aiming back up to him. "My men want to be put to use. There's nothing much happening over here, and I'm always looking for a job. And it's always a pleasure to get one from the Russian Twins."

He laughs some more, "You like our money, eh? Heh-heh, lucky for you, it's perfect timing. We have shipment of new weapons coming through to Arkham City. We need men to get it pass Old Gotham undetected. You know, GCPD headquarters and all police throughout district."

"Okay, easy. Just send the address when and where you wanna meet."


Terrick or Jerrick, I didn't know which one it was, hangs up with that and Perry tosses my phone that has his blood on it back to me. "Now that I've-"

I pull my trigger and put my phone back before walking back out the room, heading back home to wait for the message back from the Russian Twins. So dumb and gullible. 

When I get home, I throw my suit in the wash and go to the bathroom to wash the blood of my boots and mask. Taking off my suit, I notice more gashes and cuts on my torso from the fight, but nothing too bad, it's why they didn't bother me. 

As I washed, I realized how worn down I felt. I just felt so...heavy. And I knew it was only going to get worst the longer I had to wait for a response.

But luckily, that response came quicker than expected.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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