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We woke up the next day, hearts beating. Everyone was suited up. I had my long dagger with me. I was ready.

Aris was nowhere to be found. That was strange. We walked outside to find the sun beating us down. In my head, I started to think. Are the boys ahead or behind us? Probably behind but we have to go to the main base as well.

Before we left, I had taken a map off of the desk. On the map, it said that we were halfway across the state from the main base. "Listen up everyone! Follow me, I have a map of where to go!"

Everyone cheered. I started to walk straight ahead. That's when we heard a loud noise. People were running towards us. They looked crazy. They most likely have the Flare. There were too many of them to fight. "Everybody! Run, there are too many!" I said.

We started to run. These.... these... Cranks, kept chasing us. I heard someone scream. It was Vanessa. A Crank had pulled her back by her hair. "Fight if you need to!" I screamed.

Susan turned around and sliced a Crank in half. It kept writhing. Ana was fighting two Cranks. Then, it suddenly hit me. I was alone. I had only Susan to help me.

I didn't want to think it, but, who knew how long Susan had. Then I would be totally alone. I was fighting three Cranks. One of them bit me arm. Good thing I'm immune.

I kept fighting. Soon, there were only two Cranks left. They scurried away in fright. Susan came up to me, "We lost three people in battle."

That's when I broke down. "Who... who... did we lose?"

She bowed he head. "Vanessa,Ana, and Deana."

I burst into tears. Vanessa was my second friend here. Ana was the one who found the way out, and Deana was the only one who could calm me down. I started to calm down. Quietly, I wiped away my tears. I need to stay strong.

We made it to an abandoned house. Aris was still missing. Where did he go? "Lay down and rest. We will leave again at sunrise."

I took out my notebook and began to write. I had a whole group of girls with me but I felt so alone. Harriet came up to me. "I saw a lake up ahead. We could go before we leave."

"Ok, good job Harriet."

"Thank you Mae." Then, she walked away.

At sunrise, we walked towards the lake. Everybody began to drink and wash their faces. As soon as we all were refreshed, we left.

We were headed northwest. We would meet this abandoned city. I was ahead of everyone else. Ten more miles left until we reached the city.

The sky was dark by the time we reached the city. Nobody was there. I told everyone to split up and meet back here with supplies. "Try to find food. If we can't then we scavenge for plants and animals."

There were five people in my team, Aria, Susan, Harriet, Sally, and me. We went to the main building and the other two surrounding buildings. In the main building, we found three cans of baked beans and two cereal boxes. The other two surrounding buildings had water, chips, and fruits.

At the meeting spot, we dumped the food and waited for the others. When they came back, we had a "feast" type of thing. I had some baked beans, water, ships, and a peach. Once we finished, we found a building to sleep in.

The next day, we kept on walking straight. That's when we had the most excitement. Not to mention, my dreams come true and many shocks to come.

The Breaker: A Mazerunner FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora