Chapter 8

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He stood up and once again looked around and thought that maybe somebody would wake him out of him 'dream' and it would all stop but then he began to realize, it wasn't going till unless he catches the man that killed his old friends sister. "Truth OR Dare" a voice said from a certain part of the room, but the voice echoed which made it hard to tell where the voice was coming from if wondered.
"Uhh.." David stuttered as he began to ponder off of the situation.
"Truth OR Dare" the voice said again, the same voice and the same loud level as before.
"Truth?" David replied
"Do you want out of here?" The voice asked.
"Of course." David said honest, of course he wanted to get out. He began to feel anxiety and claustrophobic because of the small darkness.
Suddenly, the darkness was out lifted and he remained back at at hospital, in his room with his mother and grandma and now three doctors looking at him in amazement. A single tear began to fall down his mothers face and she sprang up and hugged David.
"What happened?" David said confused, hugging his mom to not be disrespectful.
"You passed out, zoned out.. your eyes turned.. white. When you awoke from whatever that was, they went back to normal but it was just weird.." She went over the rooms sink and grabbed a paper towel and wet it, then bringing it back to her son to make him relaxed.
"Thanks mom.." He grabbed the wet paper towel and put it to his forehead.
"No." David's mom grabbed the paper towel and lifted David's head and put the towel under     near where a girls 'baby's hair' would be.
David looked up at the ceiling and began to fade into the darkness once again, he looked down at the floor and saw a man, huge looking in a dark hoodie making it non-visible to his sight. The man figure wasn't like it picture, still. It was moving slightly and to tell you would have to look and focus very closely. The man slowly moved over the left side making himself now completely non-visible and behind him, were a girl in a chair. Her hands were tied behind her back and her mouth was covered with clear duct tape. She had a black blindfold over her eyes. From behind the moving image, David heard somebody say "Say Hi, Violet."
A very deep voice, assumed to be the man.
'Is this the man? The man.. I have to forever stop?' David whispered to himself.
"I'm X. And yes, you are correct." The man, now known as "X" said.
"You can hear me?"
"Of course.."
"Who is that girl?" David put a hand down into the floor and his hand disappeared into the moving image.
David looked shocked, scared and leaped off the black hospital bed into the moving image.
He looked around and saw the dark scene. It looked like a dark old barn, empty. Scary.

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