Chapter 6

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(I listed a song that I like so I have something to listen to while writing this.)

Rushing to the hospital, David's mother was freaking out and was questioning David about what had happened and like before, he did want to tell but his mom was the type that wouldn't believe me something like that and he's probably think he is turning insane. "Looking for something under the bed?! You were screaming! And you have cuts on your neck!!!" His mom exclaimed, half mad and other curious. David tried to ignore his mom, but she began to yell at him louder than before making in even more scared so he eventually answered her and said "Ever heard of a lie!?" And at this point, he was very annoyed and upset because of the fact that she kept repeating herself over and over. "Ok, what actually.. happened?" His mom asked him, now trying to sound and act more calm as before.. trying to give David a sense of trust.
"Mom..." David said nervously.
"What! Tell me please, sorry for yelling. You can trust me, I'm your mom." She said starting out her sentence with a yell, but then toning it down to normal.
"Your not going to believe me." David sighed to his mother.
"David, believe or not. You gotta tell me."
"Something... pulled me under the bed and I don't know what it was but it threatened me and was choking me but then you walked into my room and it let me go. They said they would come back soon, which scares me the most about this situation." David said moaning, trying to make his mom not fully understand because of how nervous he was. His head began to feel very light, like a feather and his eyes vision, began to be blurry. VERY, blurry.
David suddenly thudded to the ground, and hit his head hard onto the cement floor.

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