Chapter 7

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"He's awake!" A doctor yelled out of the room. David was confused, he didn't know where he was or when he had gotten there. He began to slowly lift his hands above his head and realized that they felt heavier, he lowered his hands and looked at them, looked at them hard and noticed different things, several.. different things. Big bandages wrapped around his hand going down until it reached his elbow on both arms/hands.
"Hi honey." David's mom said pleased and polite, she was very worried about her only son when the event happened and especially when she had saw his cuts and blood running down his arms dripping slowly onto the soft light brown dirty carpet.
"Mom, I'm fine don't ask." David remarked
"I didn't..." She said confused and shocked that he thought of her like that, then she began to think she was the 'controlling' mother in his life that always ruins things and is strict.
She knew she was..
David scoffed and then started coughing and then cleared his throat afterwards. He got up and went over the hospital sink and spit out a liquid, pure yellow.. gross looking.
"Are you ok?" His mother asked shocked.
"There it goes, what did I say!" He exclaimed, now supposably angered.
"Oh.. I see. What do you want me to say, hahaha he's dying?"
"I'm not dying mom." He said rudely back.
Then David began to sink into a void, the sky began to lighten up and the dark building twisted and turned into sharp pointy rocks. All suddenly collapsed, making the sky pitch dark. Inside and out David began to scream although he knew he were dreaming and something was beginning to be wrong with him.
After done screaming with his throat sore now, he sat down on the clear dark hollow sounding floor, it was cold and wet feeling. He did begin to hear lightning and rain but when he looked around to see any, nothing was there related to rain at all.

Scared of death~ ✅Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя