Chapter 16

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Class ended and with their minds buzzed with new information, the students exited the premises of P.S.118 in route of their own choosing. Gerald said his brief goodbye to his best friend before shoving his hands in his pockets and walking in a very specific direction. Worry about Phoebe's absence weighed heavy on the boy's mind and he couldn't help but shake the weird feeling that something was wrong.

As he got to her house, he straightened his back and made sure his hair was just perfect before knocking on the door. It only took moments for Mrs. Heyerdahl to answer.

"Oh Gerald, how nice of you to come by." The woman greeted him warmly with a smile.

His once impenetrable wall of cool suddenly got knocked down and the boy could only feel a sense of uneasiness. "I-is Phoebe around?" He asked meekly as he rubbed the side of his arm.

Reba let out a small sigh. "She is... but I don't know if she's up for visitors." She answered truthfully.

Gerald's face unconsciously turned into a frown upon hearing her words. "Oh..."

"But I suppose seeing you might make her feel a little better." Reba finished before opening the door for him to enter past her. "Phoebe! You have a guest!" She called out behind her.

The boys face lit up with delight and he nodded to the woman with appreciation. "Thanks."

The woman pointed in up the stairs. "You'll find her in her bed room lying down." She explained; her face becoming a little grim. "Prepare yourself though; she can get a little snippy when she's not feeling well."

Acknowledging the information, Gerald gulped but was no less up for his task. "Got it." He replied before turning towards the stairs. "Anymore advice before I go up?"

Reba smiled and crossed her arms. Such a little man... she thought to herself. "You should be fine, dear. I'll bring up some refreshments for you both shortly, that outta help a little."

Gerald ventured up the stairs and took a sharp left into a long hallway. He only ever been in Phoebe's room once before and that was to console her into returning back to school after an embarrassing incident. I hope something like that didn't happen again... He couldn't help but think back to how much she suffered through all the ridicule. He stood in front of her bedroom door and took in a large breath. Why was he so nervous? It was just Phoebe, after all. He could feel little beads of sweat begin to form upon his brow as well as his palms becoming damp. His heart began to quicken at the thought of her being alone in her room and in some unknown state. "Phoebe?" He called out to beyond the door, "It's... me. Can I come in?" He hesitated.

"You may enter." Phoebe called back in her usual voice.

After taking a few more large breaths to prepare himself for what lie beyond that door, Gerald grasped her door knob and opened it slowly. He peeked around it and saw his girlfriend lying in her bed with a book in her hand. Everything seemed pretty normal.

"Hey." He called out with a smile, "What's up?"

Phoebe turned to look up at him and forced out a smile back. "Reading." She replied quietly.

Taking a few more steps into her room, Gerald could see that there was a large red hot water bottle lying on top of her lower half. "You left school early, that's unlike you. Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

With a few grunts, Phoebe managed to push herself into a sitting position and scooted over so that way her guest could sit next to her. "I'm fine Gerald, thank you for asking."

Her voice sounded normal enough, however Gerald knew there had to be more to it than that. Motioning to the large rubber floppy container draped over her small frame, he let out a small chuckle to lighten up the mood. "What's with that thing?"

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