Chapter 3

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Helga sat in Arnold's room, clicking on the push end of a pen repeatedly with frustration. She had been recalling all the moments prior to this, struggling to accept where she was now and why. Arnold had one of his "Brilliant save everyone" schemes in the works and, although if it were to pan out like he wanted it would be in her favor, and although she was able to not only be close with him at this moment but also alone, it didn't stop the frustration from rearing its ugly head and for good reason.

"It's not going to work, Arnold" Helga sighed as she narrowed her eyes at him. "There is no possible way you could get a bunch of yuppies to buy my dad's crappy beepers."

Arnold understood her disbelief but it didn't matter. "We have to at least try, Helga!" He tried his best to convince her. "Sometimes you have to just try and look at the bright side, right?"

"Bright side?" She scoffed, as she let go of his hands and placed them on her hips in defiance. "Where is the bright side in us planning all this stuff, probably getting a bunch of people involved, and everyone...?" Helga prettied up her face and made quotation marks with her fingers "Try their best" then went back to her original scowl, "Just to end up failing?! Just face it, Football head. My dad's business is done, finished, kaput, dead and buried ten feet under."

Arnold shook his head and continued on his adamant smile despite it all. Someone always had to look on the bright side and it might as well be him. "It can't be completely hopeless! Let's go to my house and plan. We could even call up a few people who could help out with a few things. Gerald is a great salesman and could probably push the product like he did with his Wacko Watches, Rhonda obviously knows what audience to attract, and Phoebe is great at managing things... We could totally do this!"

Despite the young girls complete and absolute disbelieve in the idea, she felt she had no choice but to agree. "Fine, whatever Arnoldo, but if and when we fail, I'll be the first to say I told you so."

Arnold nodded and they both went on their way to his house.

"I'm home everyone!" Arnold called out as he opened the old door to the boarding house, causing a few heads to peep from around the corner to greet him.

"Welcome home Shortman!" His grandpa called back as the elderly man slowly approached him. Once clasping his grandson in a big warm hug, he noticed Helga standing awkwardly behind him. "Ohhhh and I see you brought a little friend with you, how nice?" he chuckled before stepping aside to let her in. "Got a little project or something to do today?"

Helga scoffed and crossed her arms "Sure, if you call Arnold butting into my family's private business a project then you could totally say that." She snidely replied.

Arnold shook his head and looked up at his grandfather who had clearly paid no mind to her attitude. "We are gonna do some research in my room on how to revive failing businesses for class. The mayor sent a request into the school to have students plan ideas to uplift the city a little and we decided to pick Big Bob's Beepers."

"We?!" Helga stomped, "You mean YOU decided that's what we would do. Don't put us failing on me, Mr. Know-it-all"

Phil groaned and scratched his head "And you picked Big Bob's Beepers, huh? Well you got your work cut out for you, Arnold. I agree with your little angry friend here but if anyone can make something out of that blowhard jerk's business, it's you" He then turned to Helga "No offence."

"None taken." She nodded "Now let's just get this over with, I'm practically as old as him" She said pointing to Phil who just laughed. "No offence."

"None Taken!" The old man laughed as he waved his arms in surrender before nudging his grandson in the shoulder "I see you like em feisty, eh Short man?" He said, causing his grandson to blush and him to only laugh harder before disappearing into the living room.

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