"Come out, wherever you are." Dallas is entirely uncomfortable, she doesn't even know where to look.

"Making demands now are we?" The voice sounds worse each time it replays in here head.

"Is that what I'm doing?" She retorts.

"Sounds like it to me, but you win." The voice comes out of the shadows from behind her, it catches her off guard.

"Nice night we're having isn't it? Im Jay by the way, ha, that rhymes sort of..." its a boy, of course it is.

"Not a fan of speaking, oh-kay..." his fingers are in the loops of where a belt would go on his jeans, he begins whistling.

From what Dallas can see the boy has shaggy black hair, possible green eyes. It is really hard to tell in the night. It went along with his outfit, she thought maybe at first he was a street kid, but if he was then he wouldn't be only wearing a white t-shirt and jeans, he'd be wearing everything he could to warm himself like she is.

"Not a fan of talking to strangers either." Dallas comments, still eyes him up and down since it makes him visibly uncomfortable.

Jay walks a line, "Technically you are the stranger here, you know my name so how am I the stranger? No fair."

"Fair point, I guess I don't have a desire to talk to people who sneak up on me in the dark then." Dallas huffs.

The boy shrugs and goes to a random beam and walks along it, his arms balanced out in a T shape. His tongue sticks out in concentration.

"I always come out here at this time, I like to watch the Legion fly around." He says.

"You can watch them somewhere else then, cant you?" Dallas rolls her eyes, arms crossing over her chest still offering a unsure glare-more confused than anything.

"You're in my spot." Jay goes on dramatically.

"Can't you find another one, I'm sure there's plenty around here." Dallas says, all tiredness she once felt is replaced by an intrigued disbelief. Maybe the people here weren't mean, maybe they were just persistent and annoying?

Jay steps off the beam he has been on, he stops close enough near her that Dallas takes a cautious step back. He could have intentions of hurting her for all she knew.

"But this is my favorite spot." Jay whines almost mockingly.

"Are you messing with me?" Dallas squints, this guy-

Jay takes a step closer, she hears his breathing and confirms her suspicion of green eyes as she stares them down because they were now face-to-face.

"Depends, Do you want me to be messing with you?" Jays voice lowered an octave, his words husky and quiet enough to linger in the air. Dallas pushes him away, he smirks and steps away laughing.

"Iron Legion my friend, they're extraordinary I tell you." He goes on without a reply.

"What makes them so extraordinary?" Dallas mocks.

Jay glares hard now, "Because Mr. Stark made them, so that makes them amazing."

He had heart, she sees it now with the fascination in his eyes.

"They usually come around here?" She finds herself asking.

"Every night." Jay smiles his teeth broadcasting. "You're not local are you?"

Dallas shakes her head. "Nope."

"I can show you around if you'd like." Jay offers, he's shivering now maybe he'll finally go away.

"I'm alright, I can look for myself." She says.

"Golly I'm not a bad person, I'm not going to rob or murder you or whatever. I'm just Jay, and someone to show you the city. The good parts so you won't get mugged." He says.

Jays watch beeps, he takes in a breath almost a sigh. "Ah shit, I gotta leave nice meeting you Jane Doe."

Jay begins to unlock the door to the building.

"Dallas!" She calls to him.

"What?" He fumbles with his key.

"My name's Dallas, meet you here tomorrow?" She decides it's best to have someone show them around who knows the place rather than roam cluelessly around.

"Twelve o'clock. See ya!" Jay quips and goes into his building.

Dallas stands for a moment astonished and surprised with her own actions from that interaction, she's surprised at how her heart beats quickly in her chest and how when she goes to sleep in the car tonight she dwells on what they're going to do tomorrow with Jay.

"It was the oddest thing, it's like I see this kid and hear her name and I'm left in shock. I saw the kid twice and she had a killer black eye, and if it is Dallas, Tony's Dallas then I want to know." Rhodey demands, he's been on this PI's case for an hour and he knows the man has pictures because it's his job.


"Just show me the damn picture and we'll be done. I want to know if putting Hope into my best friend will be for nothing, again." Rhodey breathes deep.

"I don't want you to be disappointed if it's not, Colonel." The man says finally caving and and reaches for his file.

"I won't be just show me already." Rhodey was ready.

"Okay..." The man slid the folder across the table to him, greedily Rhodey opened it and flipped to the back where the pictures were.

Each page moves slower and slower, he's readied himself to be disappointed and finds himself sat in shock when he sees staring back at him a picture of that girl he saw back at the hospital. The picture had been taken from far away, and she was with another boy and a man, the girl was smiling and the boy too at the man. The next was a close up of her in a gas station, clear as day staring back at him was Dallas Knight.

"I've had the hospital swab the icepack She was using, its being tested to Mr. Starks DNA right now as we speak—" the mans phone sings.


"Oh what? What is it?" Rhodey sits up.

"The results for the DNA came in its—"

Rhodey impatiently grabs the mans phone, he's tired and has had enough for the day with this impossible to deal with around the bush man who was assigned to the Dallas Knight Stark case no one wanted anymore.

Rhodeys eyes widen, "—it's a match for Tony's, it's her..."

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