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That bastard dragged me out of the room I was in, demeaning me, like I was just a little pet to him. It made me sick, but I admire his way of doing things. Maybe I should take some pointers from this guy. 

All throughout our little stroll through what seemed like Hell, I heard screams. Children asking for their mothers, mothers asking for their children, even a dog or two. It made me smile, to me, this was like Heaven. 

"Here we are, you dirty dog," he said, opening a door to another room with a chair and some tools on the left. He shoved me in and locked me inside that room. It kind of reminded me of a padded cell, although I don't know exactly because I haven't ever gotten caught. I was understandably confused, as all of this was super sudden, and it was kind of exhilarating. I heard the sound of a door unlocking, and some fresh meat was thrown into my cell. A small child should be a fun challenge, and here I do not have to worry about the poor child screaming being heard. I immediately grinned and slowly stalked closer to the rack of tools, and took a small knife in my left hand and looked at the kid. He was backing away, the look on his face was priceless. He backed himself into a corner and I grabbed him. There was some rope and duct tape that was on the rack, so I tied him to the chair in the most uncomfortable way possible. 

He screamed, and screamed. I just ignored it and relished in the moment. I decided enough was enough, so I just started his torture session. First, I forgot to grab pliers, so I went back for them. How could you torture someone without the best tools? I went over to him, and tore off his toenails, forcibly making him choke them down. I licked his tears and smiled and smiled. I could sense the fear in him, and I loved it. Next I decided to do the same to his fingernails, twisting them as I went. I shoved one in his right eye, but just enough to make sure he did not go blind so he could see what I was doing. He lost his voice from all of his screaming, his throat only being able to squeal like a fat pig ready for the slaughter house. I cut an X into his feet, making them deep, going as slow as I could so that he could also feel the pain. Afterwards I decided to cut his achilles tendon, then licking the blood off the knife so he would fully be broken. He was tough though. Have I ever told you that sometimes I eat eyeballs to spice up my diet? No? Well I told you now. I only took one of his eyeballs and made sure he could see every part of it. He was still going strong, so I made numerous small but deep cuts across his arms, and apparently that finally broke him. I decided to push a bit further, so I yanked up his head by his hair, and tore out his other eyeball. Finally for the main course, the delicious heart. I cut out the area where the heart is, and ate it raw. All of the blood and muscle filled my mouth with a delicious taste. I never get over the taste of a heart, because there is always a slight difference, and his was the best I have had since I ate my dog's heart. 

The door opened, and men in black suits covering every part of their body began to clean up while I licked the rest of the blood off my fingers. Tom walked in behind them.

"Pretty good, Sarah," he began, "real name or not that was not bad. It was a little repetitive and bland at some points, but not bad. I think you are ready to meet the rest of your classmates."

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