Flashbacks are Lovely

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I do not remember much of the day as it was just a blur. I could tell that my mind was not there, considering I could not focus on anything. Abigail tried to say things, but they made no sense to me, so I laughed at how silly she looked. The door opened after my latest and longest laughing episode and told everyone it was time to go to bed. For some reason, he was the only one I was able to understand. Everyone looked solemnly sad at the prospect of them having to stop their activities to sleep. He walked over to me and dragged me by the chain, choking me as I resisted. I do  not want to go back to the banshee, her screams chill my bones and shake my soul to my very core. Ever since I got here, I have been getting scared way more easily than I would usually have. 

The banshees wails were muted. Maybe it was the fact that I could not understand anyone else. What did that bastard do to me? I fell asleep quite easily considering that I could barely hear that bitch. I want to rip off her hands. It was almost like someone was telling me to, but I resisted the voice. The voice was scary and deep, even deeper than Tom's or my dad's. 

I guess I fell asleep, because I was back at my house. My dad was yelling at me and mother, calling her a whore and me the devil's spawn. I recalled this after my mother was caught cheating and I stole my dog's heart. It was not long afterwords though, because I still had blood on my dress. This is nowhere the first time this has happened. He would always blame me when he did not have his beer, and would send me alone  to get some. Today was not one of those days, as he had around 23 beer cans in his little mini fridge. He took out his knife and sliced my mother's face open, even hitting her eye. He decided in his moment of madness to take out her eye and eat it. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess. He then turned to me and cut my arm. I just looked at him with no look of emotion because he has always been violent, and I have just gotten used to this. Apparently that pissed him off more than a bull with the movement of a bull fighter's cape. He slapped me a few hundred times until it felt like my skin had been lit on fire. I backed up against the kitchen sink and stood up, a serious expression on my face. I took a small kitchen knife and ran at him. He was too drunk to react quick enough to get out of the way. I stabbed him right through his abdomen and twisted vengefully. I smiled as I saw the light fade from his eyes on his way to Hell. I took another one of the knives and stole his corrupted heart, making sure he could be tortured forever in Hell without a heart. I had already eaten my dog's heart, so I decided to eat his. It was chewy, the first human heart I had ever had, and the worst tasting. My mother looked through her one eye with a look of pure terror. 

"Good," I said through a smile, "keep that look in your face, mother, I want you to see the true me before you die with no heart." I laughed more  and more as she began to cry like the little bitch she is. You know how the rest of this goes. Stab her stomach and eat her heart, simple. My mothers heart tasted much better than dad's. I dragged their bodies out of our kitchen and into the forest where I dug two eight foot holes, spat in them, then covered them up. I called my uncle, Samuel, to come over because I "Was unable to find my parents". I only did this because I was just a few years old. To be honest, it wasn't that bad of a murder considering my age. The one thing my "dad" did good was give me the idea to cut out their eyes, although I added a little to that. 

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