Chapter 3 - House rules

Start from the beginning

He snarled, poking her waist with his snout.

"And if you know what's good for you, you wouldn't move an inch lower, or you will live to regret it", she announced referring to her butt and nestled in her pillow, readying herself to fall back to sleep. He slid his paw over her hip and tapped her hand with his snout, demanding her attention.

"What do you want? Can't you see I am sleeping?" She roared back at him to which he replied with a snarl. "Fine, I am up. If you go fetch me some coffee, I would go start the damn fireplace".

He repeated the growl against her effectively stopping her attempted negotiations.

"Listen, buddy, I don't know how you came to be, but if you are living under my roof, you will have to follow my rules", Avery snapped at him and sat in her bed. "First, you work for your stay. Pick a chore then do it. As long as you put in your two cents, I will tolerate your skinny, growling ass! Secondly, this" she pointed at him and her and then the bed, "ain't happening. So forget about it. I chose my men and you aren't making the cut. And FYI, I ain't buying what you're selling there with the growling. Now scoot and remember if you treasure your package, don't sneak up on me ever again or let's say you won't like the feel of the consequences that shall follow." She promised him.

He growled at her again.

"And thirdly, take a hint and use the freaking toothbrush. You morning breath is almost as bad as the stench you brought in last night. Oh, and thanks for bathing!" She beamed a big smile at him.

Alternating critics with praise was an effective psychological tactic to solidify a desired behavior, or at least her books for raising kids claimed. And boy did she read a lot on the subject! The plan to help battered she-wolves raise their cubs in almost entirely she-wolf environment was overly ambitious. Avery quickly figured that out the moment that she realized that the pups outnumber the adults 5 to 1.

The wolf yawned at her, letting her bathe in his morning breath.

Avery could swear that he was doing it on purpose and that pissed her off.

"That's it! Get out!" Avery shouted at him and pointed to the door. He didn't move a muscle which only made her roll his eyes at him.

"That's what I get for taking in a stray!" She huffed and snatched a pillow from her bed and hit his snout away from her face. His surprise at the insult was priceless, making her victorious smile so much more enjoyable. She softly shifted on the bed as if she just hadn't assaulted it and turned her back against him.

She was tensed. It was now that he would either attack with one swift bite at her defenseless neck or he would just accept his situation. She stretched as the minutes passed and then rolled her eyes as she headed towards the master bathroom. The last thing she saw before she closed shut the bathroom door was the way that he sprang off her bed onto the floor, landing gracefully and reluctantly accepting his predicament.



Avery unwillingly got out of the bathroom. She was sleepy and still couldn't believe that he had awoken her up in this ungodly hour. Eight freaking a.m! Her eyes were heavy of sleep. Even the extra crispy air in the cottage was not able to make her start her day! Nor was the shower that was supposed to be refreshing! Miss Devenheart's book had kept Avery up all throughout the night, until she had finally succumbed to a deep slumber. One thing was for certain, Avery was not a morning person!

Since the wicked werewolf had not allowed her to sleep in late today, she had to resort to her secret weapon - coffee.

She needed it!

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