CHAPTER 25!!!!!!!!!!!

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My story has so many grammar mistakes, perhaps one day... I will fix them... ;w;

I was playing Mario kart when I heard the front door open. I heard footsteps come upstairs... I slowly and quietly make my way out of my room and into Reese's. I stealthily make my way into his closet. His steps become louder and closer.  Untill, untill the closet door swings open!

"Y/N why are you in my closet!?" He yells.

"I thought it would be funny to switch up the roles" I say giving him a smart-ass response.

"Y/N what would you do if I were actually gay?" He asks trying to turn the conversation on me.

"Well first, I would tell all of your fangirls to get gender reasinment surgery, second I would try to get you to start dating, cause it's great to get out there! And finally I would respect the fact your gay, but would continue to make gay jokes!" I say as if I've been thinking of this response for years...actually I've only thought on it for a couple months. XD

"Anyway hows Asu?" I say trying to avoid the fact he's glaring at me.

"Oh, Asu! He's a lot better but, he can't remember much..." Reese gloomily says.

"Reese. Brother, why didn't you call the police and an ambulance while we were at school?" I ask purely curious.

"W-well I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS SAFE FOR HIM!!!" He yells defensively.

(Whaaa no this is TOTALLY NOT the author trying to cover up a mistake they made :D)

"Okay, okay, chill dude" I say.

"Are you going to visit Asu tommorow?" I ask.

"Yeah, around 10am." He answers.

"By the way where were you?!" He asks protectively.

I blush, and quickly say "at my friends!!"

He eyes me suspiciously.
"Friend?" He asks.

"Y-y-yep a friend!!" I stutter out as I quickly exit his room.

As I open my door I hear him yell, "IF ITS A BOY TELL HIM I'LL KILL HIM IF HE TRIES ANYTHING!!"

"Eheheheh he's not a boy!!" I say quickly as I shut my door.

Then all of a sudden my door swings open and Reese grabs me.

God damn his masculinity!! >:(

"He?" He asks protectively?

"What, he? Did I say he I meant she!" I say trying to convince him they're was NO boy.

"Y/N, you're a terrible liar." He states.

"Okay fine, I was with a boy" I admit.

"Was it Taro, cause I'll fucking cut him!!!" He yells.

"What no! I don't even like him!" I yell while trying to break free.

"Good because I don't trust him!" he says letting go.

I know who I'm going to ignore for the rest of the week.

I huff as he exits the room.

"Jerk" I mutter.

---time skippy, sunday morning---


groggily opened my eyes then shut them after seeing rays of sunlight.
I decided to roll away from the sunlight.
*BAM!* I rolled off the bed and onto  my head.

My precious comfort...
Tears begin welling up in my eyes. I look to my clock it says 11. Well I guess reese left without me. I'll booby trap his room later.Maybe I should call Oko.

I dial his number into my phone.

Oko: "Hello babe?"

A tingly sensation rushes through my body and I blush.

Y/N: H-hello.

Oko: aww~ Did you miss me?~

'His voice is so sexy and smooth'

Oko: Babe?

'Sexy ;¬;'

Oko: Y/N?!

Y/N: huh, oh sorry I spaced out, umm what were you saying?

Oko: Did you miss me?~

Y/N: what pfft no of course not!!

Oko: o-oh

Y/N: I w-was kidding! Please don't be sad!! Besides my bed was cold without you!

Oko: Anyway you know how Asu is in the hospital?

Y/N: yeah- wait how do you know about that?

Oko: I'm friends with your brother, last night he called raving about how his sister is losing her innocence to some boy, hahahaha

'Losing innocence?'
(Haha you're much more dense that osmium)

Y/N: what does he mean by 'losing my innocence?


Oko: do you want to go get flours and balloons for Asu?

Y/N: You didn't answer my question!! And yes I would like to go get those for Asu- CAN WE GO TO THE MALL?! Lol not waiting for you're answer my house is closer you can exercise by walking here and picking me up!

Oko: Bu-

Y/N: Kay, bye hanging up now, cant wait to see you, love you!!

'Haha well that was a jerk move, but its the perfect excuse for a date!'

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