Chapter 6

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Kong's POV

I had tried calling P'Arthit multiple times yesterday but as expected they went unanswered. I know his personality. Everytime he is upset at me he gives me the cold shoulder. Obviously nothing to this scale has happened before but I a assume his reaction to be pretty much the same. But this time I need to find a way to talk to him and soon.

The good news is that today is the first hazing team meeting for next year. And as the past and future head hazers, both P'Arthit and I have to be present. He can obviously not ignore me with everyone around and when he is the person in charge to train me for next year.

I had been nervously waiting all day to see him, but when he finally arrived Rune had tagged along. All of us immediately went towards them to greet Rune.

"Hey there Rune! Didn't you have a play date today?"

"Hi P'Knott. I can't go because I am being punished." She was sticking out her lower lip in an exaggerated pout.

"What did you do this time?"

"P'Knott I didn't do anything. Pa is just being mean today."

"Rune! How many times have I told you that lying is bad. You are being punished because you told me you checked and double checked the front door was locked when it clearly wasn't. And then you lied about it."

"But pa I didn't. I told you I locked it myself. P'Knott I swear I locked it. Pa is punishing me just because he didn't want to come here alone today."

I snapped my head up to look at P'Arthit. He actually looked slightly guilty. I can't believe it he was using Rune as a shield to avoid talking to me.

"Why wouldn't he want to come here alone?"

"Because Pa says everyone is nicer to him when I am around."

"Rune!! I told you that as a secret"

Everyone was chuckling when suddenly P'Bright exclaimed.

"Arthit!! Is that a hickey on your neck?"

All of us were staring at the large red bruise on his neck, while he was trying to cover his neck with his t-shirt and blushing profusely.

Oh god! I had completely forgotten about it. I was trying to catch his eye to gauge his reaction but he was currently trying to avoid looking at anyone.

"Arthit I can't believe you finally got some action! Who was it? Do we know her? Does she go to our university?"

Everyone was staring at him waiting for his answer. I was holding my breath, nervous about how he was going to answer, when the situation got worse.

"Pa, what is a hickey?"

And ofcourse the worse candidate of all took him upon himself to explain a hickey to a 7 year old girl.

"Rune, you see your pa gets a hickey when he is trying to make babies."

"Bright! Shut up will you." P'Arthit was unsuccessfully trying to Rune's ears from more offending statement as she wiggled out from between his hands and continued.

"Pa is making babies? But that can't be possible."

"Why can your pa not be making babies?"

"Because pa needs a girl to make babies with and he doesn't know how to talk to any girls. Whenever they try to talk to him he starts growling and they run away."

P'Arthit was blushing so hard I don't think I have ever see his face this red before. None of this was helping my situation. The more embarrassed he got the more he would avoid talking to me. But as my luck would have it, the train wreck continued.

"Pa! you should ask P'Kong how to talk to girls. He always has so many around him."

This time I placed a hurried hand over Rune's mouth. This conversation needed to end if I expected P'Arthit to ever even look at me again.

"Rune, do you want a chocolate? Let me take you and you can get a really large one this time."

"But P'Kong I am not allowed chocolates when I am being punished."

"Rune trust me right now your pa would rather have your mouth busy chewing on chocolate than talking."

I glanced back at P'Arthit while I was walking away but he was still avoiding my gaze. Today had not started anything like I would have wanted.

By the time I had returned with Rune he had taken his head hazer persona and we finished the training without any personal conversation at all.

It had been over a week since and P'Arthit haddone absolutely everything in his power to avoid me. I had stopped trying tocall him and trying to get him alone on campus to talk. Maybe if I gave himsome space and he would try to talk to me himself. Although I knew I shouldn'thold my breath.    

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