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  It was April 9th 2008, the 5th day of my new job. I was to take over as developer from my predecessor. He had agreed to come in at the end of his new work day to hand over his knowledge on the systems he had helped create and implement for the company.

It was just before 23h00 when my then girlfriend phoned to ask why I hadn't yet phoned to let her know that I had arrived home safe and sound. It being so late we called it a night, I packed up my stuff and donning my new reinforced leather jacket and helmet, I got on the scrambler for the 15-minute ride home.

I didn't make it.

Not 2 kilometres from home I stopped at a red light and like a conscientious person who has always adhered to the law, I waited for it to change to green.

I could smell the fried chicken from the KFC I was to drive past.

The traffic lights turned green, I shifted the bike into first making my way across the intersection.

There was a screech of metal with a loud crashing, shattering, tire-squealing and then nothing; at least nothing that I can recall. The mind is funny that way, it censors the traumatic events of our lives in an attempt at protection. I've come to accept that the details after that point are not important enough for me to remember; not that I could change anything by remembering them anyway.

The driver said the brakes failed...    

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