Sports Festival Part III

Start from the beginning

"They prey will be the girl over there...

None other than, Sana!" I heard her clap her hand. I know she's smiling evilly right now. She really wants me to suffer in his hands.

"Face us Sana, they need to see the prey's face. Oh I want to add something on the prize, for boys you can get the chance to date our cutie Sana. And for girls she can be your slave for three days, do like that?" The crowd went wild. They are shouting that they like the prize. But what about me? I don't want to be the prey.

"I don't want it! Choose anyone but not me!"

"I'm sorry Sana but the prey doesnt have the right to say no." She smirked at me.

"Let us give the prey a chance to run. Now run Sana, run for your life." She laughed like a witch. I clenched my fist while looking at her.

"Run prey, or do you want them to catch you easily." I stepped back when they started to walk towards me.

'Well Sana is quite popular even though she's not an idol.'

'She's labeled as the cutie girl here. And most of the boys admire her.

'Jungkook will get mad at her. Yuna was playing with his cousin. I saw how protective he is towards Sana."

'But Jungkook is not here, he's busy on his rehearsal.'

They are right. Kookie was not here to help me. I tightly close my eyes before I run as fast as I could. I swear, Yuna will pay for all of this.

I reached the Class 3-A building. Can I call myself lucky now? There's a fewer student here, and I think they don't care about Yuna's childish game.

I entered the stock room on the second floor and locked myself there. Thank goodness I'm safe here for now. As long as they don't know that I'm here. I breathe deeply then leaned on the wall. I want to call Kookie, but I don't want to interrupt their rehearsal. That's kinda rude.

I stayed inside the stock room for almost one hour. Until I heard a low foot step outside.

'Are you sure that she's here?'

'Yeah, one of my friend here tells me that she enter the stock room on the second floor.'

'Then let's get her. I don't care about those deluxe prizes. I just want to date her or even more than that.'

'But I want a new car'

'Ok then, let's bring her first to Yuna before I enjoy myself.'

I heard them laughed. Then, anxiousness starts to built inside my body when they start to open the door.

'It's locked. She's really here." I gulped twice and try to fit in myself on the narrow space between the two huge boxes.

A long silence filled the entire room. Did they give up


"Tsk! We should've done that awhile ago. Oh she's over there." Oh no! Kookie help me!

"Come on now babe, I already win this game." He grabbed me on my wrist and forced me to stand up.

"No! Let go of me!" I pushed the guy who's holding me and get the chance to run.

"Yah! Come back here!" Here I go again, running just to escaped from them. I felt relieved when I saw the ground floor, yet I'm not yet sure if I'm safe when I came out.

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