Shower Time Loving (Lemon)

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You loved the feeling of warm water spraying all over your back. After what was a considerable long night, you needed this lovely feeling all across your body. What made the shower even more relaxing however, was the fact that Weiss Schnee, your girlfriend, was sitting in front of you, head right next to your member, both naked as you washed her hair for her.

Showers was Weiss' favorite thing to do with you outside of dates. It was a consistent and pleasurable experience routine every time and every time it was fantastic. After the water got hot enough for you both, you both stripped down and entered together. You would use the soap rack as a chair while leaning against the wall as Weiss sat down in front of you.

She would then take your member, give it a few strokes and kisses and place it right next to her mouth as the two washed one another down. Back to current time, you were washing all of Weiss long and platinum hair.

(Y/N): Geez. Sometimes I think you have more hair than Yang.

Weiss: I though you liked the hair.

(Y/N): Oh, I do. I also know you love it when I do this.

You softly tugged on Weiss' hair which earn a soft moan from her mouth.

(Y/N): For a girl so desperate to leave, you surely want something from me.

You moved your member and slightly began to poke her face with it.

Weiss: (Y/N)! (laughs)

She then moved your member out of her face. You got off of your makeshift seat and kneeled down behind her. You wrapped your arms around Weiss and hugged her from behind. You kissed her cheek and as she leaned her body against you.

(Y/N): One last round?

Weiss: N-No.

(Y/N): For a girl not crazy about doing it, why do you still have the anal beads inside of you?

Weiss: S-Shut up.

You weren't wrong though. You could still see the string and knew about at least 5 beads were deep inside Weiss' ass. You began to kiss along her neck and hearing her moan alone made you want her more. As you were, you could see Weiss move one of her hands towards her entrance. She began to whimper and you that sign.

Weiss and you had a complex system of sounds when it came to sex. Whenever she would whimper, it meant she wanted it there and now no matter how much she truly said no. You softly pushed her down, making her lay across the shower's base. You moved to hover over her, basically sitting on her lap.

(Y/N): Glyph yourself.

Weiss nodded and did so, making her look like she was hog tide. You smiled and lean down and captured her lips in yours. You broke the kiss after a few seconds and returned to your original position.

(Y/N): I love you.

Weiss: I love you too.

You moved your head down and began to suck on her breasts. Since your first year, Weiss began to develop her cleavage into something...well, mediocre. Her words. To you, they were just fine. While she said they were small, to you, they were big, perky and sweet. While many would ignore them, you wanted them more than anything else.

What you loved most about your sexy time with Weiss was hearing her moan and enjoy herself. Those moans were pleasure to your ears, making you want to release right there. Regardless, you would continue to bring pleasure to Weiss, now grouping her other breast. You moved up and bit her right nipple, which caused Weiss to break her glyphs as she screamed in pleasure.

Weiss X Male Reader: Hidden LoveWhere stories live. Discover now