Numb and pained knee. Castiel x reader

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I was laying in my bed listening to music with my headphones on and practically screaming lyrics to the songs and air playing the instruments.

Sam and Dean were on a hunt, and I was stuck in the boring hotel because my knee decided to be stupid and go numb and feel weird. It's hard to explain but my kneecap started feeling really weird. But I went on another hunt and my knee felt as if it were being ripped off. So after that dreadful night Sam and Dean said for me to stay here.

Now I'm dying from boredom.

"Hello y/n" a voice came though it was slightly muffled a bit from the music and headphones. The sudden voice scared me. I jumped up, ripped my headphones off, and aimed my gun to see castiel.

"Oh heeeeey cas" I smiled awkwardly. I lowered my gun. I shuffled in the bed for a bit.

Castiel starred at me. "Hello y/n. Where is Sam and Dean at?" He asked. "Oh yea them.... their on a hunt for some creature" I avoided looking at his blue eyes. "Why are you not joining them?" Castiel asked. "Oh because my knee cap went super numb last hunting trip but I still went on a hunt, when we got back and were walking into the room my knee was in sever pain to the point where I could barley move it." I explained slightly moving my leg up but winced at the pain.

"Hey Cas, can you do me a favor please?" I asked. He looked at me. "Yes of course." He said. "Go to the fridge and get me a f/d please." I pleaded. He walked to the fridge, opened it and looked around. It took a bit but he held up f/d.
"Yeeee thaanks Cas!" I smiled brightly as he handed me the drink. I opened it and began slurping it.

I moved the pillow to the side more and shuffled carefully to my pillow. I looked at cas and patted the empty side of the bed. "Sit" I said smiling at him.

He obeyed and sat next to me. I looked at the bag of donuts, chips, and cookies I had. I sighed and moved them between us. He looked at me as I glared at him. "I am sharing my food with you, this is a true sign of friendship. I have known the Winchesters for years now and still to this day I do not share any food with them. Take this moment to know that this means I truly care about you." I said in a threatening tone.

He starred kinda worried at me, his face broke me and made me began laughing. "Don't worry just don't betray this friendship or I will learn to kill an angel without a angel killing blade thingy" I smiled. He still looked intimidated.

I sighed and took a cookie. I looked at him. "Open your mouth" I demanded. He slightly opened his mouth listening to me. I smirked as I shoved the cookie in his mouth. He looked at me as I began to move my hand but he took it.

"Uhh Cas. What are you doing" I asked. With his free hand he took the cookie from his mouth and put it on the bed. Then he smashed his lips onto mine.

I was taken back but did end up melting into the kiss, I wrapped my arms around his neck. After what seemed like forever but was probably just a few seconds he pulled away.

"Where the hell did that come from?" I asked smirking. "I learned it from the pizza man" he said. Then my face began burning. But I ended up getting an idea.

Knowing I would regret this later, I cautiously swung my legs to Castiels lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hey Cas, maybe later you can show me everything else the pizza man showed you" I smirked.

We stared at each other's eyes for a while smiling. Then I heard Sam and Dean complaining from pain.

I quickly threw my legs from Castiel and shoved a cookie in my mouth.

Sam and Dean walked in all scratched and bloody.
"Whach uh fell haffened tu you" I said with my mouth full of a cookie.
Dean gave me a deadly glare, until he noticed Cas sitting by me, then he smirked.

"Did you two..." he asked pointing at me and Castiel. I blushed and grabbed an extra pillow. "Shut the hell up!" I squeaked. He laughing as it flew at him. "Not yet at least" I mumbled. But he heard it.

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