Chapter Eighteen: Here comes the Bride

Start from the beginning

When it was Audrey and Oliver's turn to walk down the aisle, they had their arms link. As she walked down, her imaginations were running wild. She imagined she was the bride walking in and Oliver was her father. Jacob was standing in the front of the alter, smiling back at her. As they got closer to the alter, Jacob's image was slowly fading away and reshaping to Ethan. Audrey and Oliver parted their ways and headed to their seat.

After having the ring bearers and flower girls scatter flower pedals around, it was the moment everyone was waiting for. The song began to play. Jessica came in with her
tulle and lace sweetheart neckline wedding dress and a white veil was covering her face. She was escorted with her jovial father who had his beer belly popping out.

The priest cleared his throat and said, "We are gathered together on this beautiful afternoon to share with Jessica and Ethan as they exchange vows of their everlasting love."

"As Jessica and Ethan take their vows today, we are privileged to witness the joyous love of a new family -- a family that will be nourished and nurtured through the devotion of two separate individuals growing together through the common bonds of love.
May their marriage bring them the peace, joy, comfort and contentment that is known in the hearts of all God's children. And may Ethan and Jessica both look forward to each new season of their marriage --- just as the world looks forward to each new season of the year. For all seasons bring with them their own special moments and memories.
An essential requirement of a good marriage is a strong bond of real friendship and trust. Jessica and Ethan, your love for each other will grow deeper with every passing day, but it's important to remember that your love stands on a foundation of genuine, mutual affection and respect for each other. To truly LOVE another person is to be willing to accept both their strong points, and their weak points, with equal measures of understanding and respect."

"The vows you are about to exchange, will serve as a verbal representation of the non-verbal emotions that are as real as any thing that can be seen, heard or touched.
For it is not the words that you will speak today that will bond you together as one --- but the strength of the love and commitment found deep within your souls."

At this time, Ethan and Jessica, were face to face, holding each other's hand.

"Ethan, do you take Jessica to be your wife, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish her friendship and love her today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor her, laugh with her and cry with her? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked and turned to Ethan.

Ethan smiled at Jessica and nodded his head. "I do," he responded loud and clear.

"Jessica, do you take Ethan to be your husband, your partner in life and your one true love? Will you cherish his friendship and love him today, tomorrow and forever? Will you trust and honor him, laugh with him and cry with him? Will you be faithful through good times and bad, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live?" the priest asked now turning to Jessica.

Sniffles and tears were heard across the room as the ceremony continued.

Jessica took a quick glance towards Audrey and gave her smile, mouthing the words, "Thank you." She kept the crowd in suspense.

Audrey smiled back and nodded.

Jessica faced Ethan and began to shed a tear. "I do," she said clear and strong.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Ethan slid Jessica's veil to the back and leaned closer to kiss her. The crowd was full of tears and cheers. Audrey was wiping her tears with the handkerchief Jacob had given her. It took a while for the two to broke apart.

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