Chapter 7: Remembering Sunday

Start from the beginning

"Cam, I'm sorry." Both Baylor and I said quickly.

"Get out of my house." Camila ordered.

"But Camz," I started.

She shook her head, "Both of you.  Leave.  Now."

I slowly made my way to the door, looking over my shoulder and Baylor who was still hesitantly standing in Camila's living room.

"Baylor," Camila cried, "Leave."

Baylor took a step towards her, "Cammi.  I'm sorry."

"Don't." Camila said simply, taking a step back.

Baylor tried to hug Camila but Camz pushed her away.  "But Camila, I love you." Tears began to pour down Baylor's cheeks.

Camila shook her head, "Get away from me."

I walked over to Baylor and grabbed her arm, dragging her away from Camila as she started to say something else.  She reluctantly followed me to the door.

Baylor filed out first and I stopped at the doorstep, turning back around to face my best friend.  Her tear stained face and glistening eyes were facing me.  "Goodbye Camila." I said in a half whisper as I closed the door behind me.

I stepped out into the rain and began sprinting down the street, my rage filling my veins, the adrenaline taking over.

*Camila's P.O.V*

"Goodbye Camila." I heard Lauren murmur as she closed the door behind herself.

I collapsed onto the couch and began to sob uncontrollably.  Sobs racking my body, snot forming so I can't breathe, choking on my own air.  I called Dinah not being able to make out any words.  Somehow she understood that I needed her to come over and appeared at my door quickly after hanging up the phone.  Her long arms engulfed me into a hug the minute she stepped through the threshold of my house.

She continued to hold one arm around me as she closed the door and guided us to the couch.  She sat us down and allowed me to curl into her side.  Dinah's shirt soon became wet from my tears.  I sniffled and rubbed my face into the stomach of her shirt.

"Ew! Mila!" Dinah said, half jokingly.

I giggled the most pitiful giggle to ever grace the air.  "I'm sorry."

Dinah smiled at me and pulled me closer into her chest, "It's okay, dear." I began to whimper again.  "Just let it out Mila.  That's what I'm here for."

With that I broke again.  I began to shake and make these noises that almost sounded inhumane.  I think I sat there in Dinah's arms and cried for an hour.  After a while the house phone rang and Dinah got up to go answer it.

She returned into the living room with the phone in her hand, "It's Lauren, she wants to talk to you."  I didn't respond, I just stared at her weighing my options.  "Why didn't she just call your cellphone?" Dinah asked.

"Because I turned it off." I replied coldly.  "I don't want to talk to her."  I laid back down on the couch, curling into a ball.

Dinah scurried out of the room and murmured hush things into the phone before hanging up.

She returned hastily with a bowl of ice cream and some tissues.  I happily took the bowl of ice cream out of her hand, shoveling some into my mouth before taking a tissue and blowing my nose noisily.

After I finished my ice cream I curled back into Dinah's side.  She ran her fingers through my hair and finally asked the question I'd been dreading all evening.

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