Awkward years...~Harry Styles love story

Start from the beginning

Summer's angelic voice broke Harry out of his thoughts. "So what has happened that's been interesting for you this year?" Summer asked, as Harry didn't hesitate to answer "Well I've been singing, my friends and I want to start a band soon, but other than that, just school and school and thinking of you." Harry replied. Summer smiled "Well I was thinking of you too...but do you ever get like...a weird feeling when you come here, and you are waiting to see me but you don't know how it's going to go and if I'll still fancy you?" Harry put on a weird, thinking face. "Not really, because I know your kinda shy when it comes to expressing your feelings but we have known eachother since we were seven and there's history in the littest of days, yet the many hours that we've spent together. We couldn't just forget that, so I don't have worries really, why do you?" He questioned.

Summer slightly nodded. "I am pretty insecure so I always feel like every time I come here your going to forget about me and's kinda stupid." Summer rambled as her cheeks turned red from embarrasement. "No offense , it is stupid...I'd never forget somebody like you." Harry appointed. Summer smiled, once again Harry never failed to make her smile. "Now come on! We need to get off the serious note and off to the fun note! We only get a couple hours a year, lets make them count!" Harry stated as they started chatting about the stupidest things in the world. From dogs just being cats with a deranged meow, to the ocean is so salty from the tears of misunderstood sharks. 

These 12 year old kids were going from 12 going on 40 , to being 12 going on 2.  And as there was 5 minutes left until Harry and Summer had to leave , Harry brought Summer to the middle of the room, underneath the mistletoe, and this time before Harry even got the chance, all the adults surrounding them chanted "Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!" And NOT just like every year, Summer leaned in and kissed Harry on the lips, but only briefly. The crowd cheered as their parents called them "Summer/Harry time to go home!" Harry and Summer didn't share a hug, though. Much to both of their disappointment, but they shared two kisses, who were they to complain?

Summer 13 years of age

Summer was excited to see Harry again and this year, she made her parents go early to JoAnna's house, just so she could make Harry think she hasn't shown. Summer has changed a bit over the year, she has a different style-- no more dresses and skirts, just jeans and shirts, no more long, bruette, curly hair, now she has wavvy mid-stomach dark brown hair. She looks a bit different, but she is positive Harry won't care. He likes her for who she is.

As soon as JoAnna opened, Summer asked where she could hide, yet also see the front door, JoAnna lead her to the closest right next to the front door. 'Perfect' Summer thought to herself.

Summer waited there for about five minutes until the doorbell rang, she heard Harry's voice ring through her ears "Is Summer here yet?" Harry asked JoAnna as JoAnna replied with a slight smile "Nope, not yet sweetie." Harry heavily stomped by the front door closest and Summer prayed he wouldn't open it. He didn't. Summer let ten minutes pass and she heard Harry ask numerous times if Summer was here yet, and each time JoAnna replied no, Harry sighed sadly. Summer felt very bad making Harry feel this way so she decided to, quietly, come out. She glanced left then right and then she stared at the window-sill, where Harry was sitting, his back facing her. 

Summer couldn't handle it anymore, she ran full-speed toward Harry and jumped on him, making him fall on the ground with an -oof sound. "PRINCESS!" He shouted, causing adults to stop chatting and look at them. They were in such an awkward position. Harry was on the ground and Summer was on top of him and her legs were on his thighs and their hands were holding each other up. 

The adults just laughed, they were already used to this "coupley act" Summer and Harry shared, and they found it quite adorable. Everybody turned back to their conversation as Summer helped Harry up from the dirty carpet. "Well that was an...interesting way of saying hello!" Harry laughed at the end of his sentence. "Yeah sorry about that, I was in the front closest for like thirty minutes, waiting for you to come, so I could surprise you." Summer explained as Harry grinned at the thought Summer had put into that.

The Girl Underneath The Mistletoe ~Harry Styles love story~Where stories live. Discover now