Chapter 13

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Song: Carpet by Unbox Therapy

Jotting down every word everyone was saying, was difficult. Everyone interrupting each, being off topic, people speaking fast, and the feeling of drifting off into space every so often. Standing up from the boring meeting and guiding Mal and Bailey out the doors, Bailey climbing into the governments jeep and driving to wherever their headquarters are, Mal casting down a spell and teleport back to the swampy evergreen in the East. 

Walking back inside and feeling the cats around my legs, Thea and Chestnut climbing onto each shoulder and Church being grumpy as ever and stepping in front of me wherever I went. Taking both cat off my shoulders and grabbing Church, getting a small cut from his claws, I opened the window and watch him jump out of my grasp and walk around the backyard before disappearing into the outside world. He will come back, like he usually does. Might take weeks, but whatever keeps him happy, makes him happy.

"I hate cats," I heard a voice speak up.

"I mean, you are a wolf, so," I extended the 'o'.

He shrugged and looked down at my hand, dripping of metallic red.

Glancing up to see his expression, he spoke with grace, "that's why. They have an attitude."

Taking my hand back, a knock was heard, making me groan and slam my head at the closest object, a wooden pillar, and Joel laughing, making me scowl and quickly head to the entrance and answer the notification.

A fairly tall women with long red hair and striking hazel, amber eyes looked straight me, making my brain crawl into my safe corner, telling me to not mess with her, but when she spoke, her voice was so calming and relaxing, making me forget about the way she looked.

"You must be Robyn," she asked, making me nod and lead her inside. 

"Ro, can you help me with something?" A voice entered the group, before I could get a word out. I looked up at the banister to see Stacy holding the tablet in one hand and a concerned face of 'help'.

I looked back at the lady and excused myself and told her where she can wait, but told me she can wait here, which I left, because I did not want to fight her on this.

Walking up the creaking stairs to Stacy's side, she started to tell me the situation of an attack and can't figure out what it is, making me frown and see the tech team and investigation team look at the see through computer. 

Stacy gave me a brief refresh, making me ease off the situation and telling them to pull up a photo that captured. The creature with dark eyes, a slim body like a mythical creature, yet demon wings sprouted out of it's back. 

"We managed to capture a video of an action it did, it turned human," the investigator, David, spoke up, typing in a key and blowing up the video footage. 

The demon shifted into a male human who was very tall, neatly brown hair that had quiff look, and deep dark brown eyes, yet a very tan skin color showing off a bit and wearing a casual tuxedo, black suit, white button up underneath and a red tie to top it off. He shifted his eyes to the camera and looked at it for a solid minute before moving lightning fast. 

"Go back a second," I asked.

Replying the scene, I noticed a white blur close to tree, making me move towards the keyboard and zooming in. It was an envelop.

"Was that there before?" I questioned, looking back at Stacy, who shook her head.

I nodded at her words and sent her and Jamie to retrieve it, which they smiled and were off. I congratulated them and they went back to work, causing me to return to the entrance and see who the lady was, but noticed she wasn't there anymore.

Mentally groaning, I noticed Amber walk up to me and telling she will take a leave and send word to the other Councils and Circle member about our discussion and the next meeting information date. Greeting her out, I walked to the bored room and saw no one in here, before I felt someone drag me. Letting my feet drag on the floor, I allowed the person take to wherever I was going. 

"That was my mother you met," Joel explained, making me pull my arm free, crashing to the floor, and looking at the light. 

"How and why and what and-" I stammered questions, before getting picked up off the floor and over to the kitchen and see the two other people sitting at the island, chatting away.

"I'm sorry about that, we had a minor problem occur," I spoke out, dusting the dirt off my back and washing my hands to look and feel clean. 

"Darling it's fine, I'm just glad I finally get to meet you, I'm Able," Joel's mother introduced.

"Ro," I replied, smiling and sticking my hand out, but instead of her accepting it, she squeezed the living life out of my body, making me look at Joel, who stifled a laugh.

"Knock it off Joel," Able growled out, seeing Joel straighten up and immediately stop, and Will to laugh.

"Same goes towards you Will," making him shut up.

My body finally got released, making me light headed and place both hands on the counter top.

"I hear you are the head of this place, it's so welcoming and humble. You take after your mom, always happy, kind, and the eyes," Able whispered the last part, cupping her hand on my left cheek, where the green eye was. 

"You look just like her, the one eye and the hair," she ruffled my hair, making me pull a smile, even though I was a little mad. 

"So, what was the problem?" Will questioned.

Straightening my hair back into order, I explained the problem and heard the duo step in.

"Hey Ro, we managed to get it and it has your last name on it," Stacy announced, mumbling the last part when she looked up to see company and apologizing super fast and leaving.

My face fell into confusion as to how this demon knew me. Picking the letter off the ground and opening it, I read over the sentences that were said. My face fell soft and I wanted to cry. 

"Who's the demon?" Will said.

"My father."

The Hunter [BxB]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora